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RE: Printing HBD | Data HBD Created And Removed

in #hbd2 years ago

At the moment almost half of the HBD supply (11.7M out of 24.2M) is in the DHF and another 10% (2.4M) HBD are in the savings.

That's interesting... So, that means that 40% HBD is not in DHF and liquid (not in savings). On exchanges most of it, I wonder?


And Bittrex... who only have a HBD/BTC pair... with wallets always disabled.

Hive Backed Dollars markets view on CoinGecko.

In my opinion, Hive really needs to prioritise more exchange listings for HBD.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In my opinion, Hive really needs to prioritise more exchange listings for HBD.

Either that or jumping directly to deep liquidity pools.

That is how I read it. A lot is on Upbit. They seem to have the most HBD.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are there some developments with regards to add more exchanges that accepts HBD, to increase the spread HBD to more speculators?

HBD is such a low supply, that you can pump tit easily like the "Okreans" (aka @kingscrown0 did with SBD back a few years ago when steem went to $8 remember?

you can make Hive pump if you pump HBD first. leverage it like Archimedes stick.

everyone buying hive should just buy HBD, and PHBD should be on ethereum and binance BSC so we can pump it on pancake swap and uniswap