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RE: Proposal to Implement an Automated "Tether Style" Pegging Function for HBD to Fix the Currently Ineffective Mechanism in Place.

in #hbd3 years ago (edited)

Everything above this line on is funded. There are quite a few. Since the fund has grown so much there is enough daily budget to fund most (not all) of the stabilizer proposals and also many of the developer proposals.



Oh hell yeah! Right on. This is a marked improvement over how it was prior with some above the proposal threshold not receiving pay due to stabilizer taking priority and funding being limited. I was basing my observations off of the prior state of things, I didn't realize that steps had been taken by the Stabilizer to scale back in favour of developer funding being restored.

Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad to see things swinging back closer to equilibrium. Hopefully with HF25 changes the need for something like Stabilizer is completely nullified. Although it certainly was a bit of creative thinking if nothing else.

There is only one proposal above return that isn't getting funded (spaminator). The stabilizer proposals are broken up into pieces so stakeholders can prioritize different levels of funding relative to other proposals by voting. The largest one is near the bottom so it only gets "left over" funding after the other proposals get paid.

After HF25 there may still be a need for stabilizer or something like it as a form of market maker to tighten the peg better than 5%, which can still return a profit to the stakeholders/DAO albeit likely a smaller one. But as I said, the fund and budget is growing so fast at this point from high stabilizer profits, that in a couple of months when the hard fork goes live, if HBD hasn't been pegged by then, there may be a surplus of budget and we can "do it all" so to speak.

yeah man, totally see that now that you've pointed out the Stabilizer scale back and had another look at that list. This is incredible news honestly. For a bit there a non inconsequential number of community members, both from the developer group and the userbase abroad were beginning to question what the hell was going on and if we were going to see a favour of HBD stabilizer over developer support continue long term rather than the equilibrium discovery type situation we're starting to see develop now.

Hell, Left overs are better than a kick in the ass with a frozen mukluk. I'm sure those with proposals that were previously annexed by the Stabilizer experiment are beyond grateful to see their funding returned.

I think like you've touched on above that having the DAO be refueled somehow is an incredibly important action that the community as a whole needs to be cognoscente of in order to ensure it exists well into the future in order to have that support available to the developer group working on HIVE who may not have their own financial situation in a state where it's feasible for them to fund their own R&D expenses out of pocket.

Secretly hoping that HF25 fixes the peg, but in the mean time also preparing for the possibility it may not and starting to plant the seeds of alternative methods exploration into the community, just in the case we're put into a situation where they need to be brought in to correct things.

Anyways man, once again thanks for pointing out my misinterpretation and facilitating the steps forwards to making things sustainable. A majority of the userbase isn't taxed with having to be concerned about these sort of things like the top tier and development community is, sort of envy them for being able to not stress about these sort of things.

We'll I'm sure glad they are not funding spaminator because he downvotes everything I post with a bot, and it's really annoying.