New York Wages War on COVID Unvaxxed

in #health3 years ago (edited)

By Neenah Payne

The Statue of Liberty has long welcomed into the New York harbor people escaping tyranny from around the world and has symbolized not only New York, but America as the “Land of the Free”. However, she is now witnessing a growing loss of liberty and a growing exodus from the Empire State.

The November 2020 article New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime reported:

“More than 300,000 New Yorkers have bailed from the Big Apple in the last eight months, new stats show. City residents filed 295,103 change of address requests from March 1 through Oct. 31, according to data The Post obtained from the US Postal Service under a Freedom of Information Act request. Since the data details only when 11 or more forwarding requests were made to a particular county outside NYC, the number of moves is actually higher. And a single address change could represent an entire household, which means far more than 300,000 New Yorkers fled the five boroughs….Whatever the exact number, the exodus — which began when COVID-19 hit the city in early spring — is much greater than in prior years. From just March through July, there were 244,895 change of address requests to destinations outside the city, more than double the 101,342 during the same period in 2019.”

The December 2020 article New York, again, leads nation in population decline: It could now lose two House seats reported:

“New York's population continued to decline more than any state in the nation, new figures released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau show. The Empire State's population fell by 126,355 people between July 2019 and July 2020, to 19.3 million, a drop of 0.65%, according to the preliminary figures. That's the most of any state by total and by percentage. Population decline continues to be a problem for New York, and it could play out in 2022 during federal reapportionment. At this rate, New York could lose as many as two U.S. House seats; it will certainly lose one, dropping it from 27 to 26 seats and impacting its clout in Washington.”

The NYTimes map below shows where New Yorkers fled starting in March 2020.

Americans Moved To Freedom States in 2020

In DARK JOURNALIST - GIGI YOUNG: UFO CONSCIOUSNESS AHRIMAN & MYSTERY SCHOOLS REVEALED! Gigi Young says, “There are two very distinct consciousnesses forming on the planet today, and they are going to have very different futures. They are going to have different realities. We don’t have a shared future. There is a splitting of time lines.”

The Dark Journalist said people who value freedom are shifting from tyrannical states like New York and California to states like Texas and Florida now. This is shown in the chart below.

Which States Saw The Biggest Population Inflows And Outflows In 2020

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Suddenly Resigned To Avoid Impeachment

Governor Andrew Cuomo suddenly resigned on August 10, 2021 as he faced impeachment on charges of inappropriately touching 11 women, mishandling funds -- and oh yeah, his COVID policies which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of perhaps 18,000 elderly New Yorkers. Cuomo’s resignation allows him to run for office which impeachment would have barred. However, he was stripped of the Emmy he received for his COVID briefings. He gets to keep the $5.1 million from his book extolling his leadership. Although America was shut down in 2020 to “protect the elderly”, the DOJ chose not to investigate the deaths that could have been easily avoided since hospital ship Comfort and the Jacob Javits Center which were retrofitted for COVID patients stood largely empty during the slaughter.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, a fellow Democrat, will serve the rest of Cuomo’s term which expires at the end of 2022. New NY governor acknowledges 12,000 additional COVID deaths Cuomo had not reported says:

“It appears that former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) was understating COVID-19 deaths in his state, and the new governor is correcting the record by acknowledging nearly 12,000 more deaths than previously reported. Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on Tuesday released new numbers showing nearly 55,400 people have died of COVID-19 in New York based on death certificate data submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On his last day in office, Cuomo had only reported 43,400 deaths.”

Gov. Hochul was criticized last week for not knowing how to spell “vaxxed”. Maybe she was trying to avoid advertising the 2016 film Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe that went viral!

Status of “Vaccine Passports” in US States

These States Have Banned Vaccine Passports reported on June 1, 2021:

"Several states have now enacted laws that ban certain requirements – such as so-called ‘vaccine passports’ – based on COVID-19 inoculation status.”

"As inoculations against COVID-19 continue across the country, more governors and state legislatures are taking action to prevent vaccination from being a requirement to access certain goods and services.

The concept, broadly referred to as 'vaccine passports,' provides proof of vaccination for activities such as traveling or attending concerts.”

The article said that while “vaccine passports” have been implemented in Hawaii, they are banned in the following 14 states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. “Vaccine passports” are partially banned in Utah.

The article said “vaccine passports” are not required in 33 states. However, states with links have since changed. Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan [banned], Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri [banned], Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire [banned], New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania [banned], Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News reported on May 13 that:

“Two days ago, a group of people in Santa Ana, California gathered to protest Orange County's new vaccine passport program. Politicians in Orange County are building a digital database of residents who have been vaccinated against COVID. Not surprisingly, some citizens fear that information could be used going forward to violate their privacy, or limit their constitutional rights. No matter where you are on vaccine passports, those are obviously valid concerns….But with COVID, there are no questions allowed. So Orange County's Board of Supervisors just ignored Tuesday's protest. One of the supervisors, a Democrat called Katrina Foley, dismissed the protesters with undisguised contempt.”

NYC, Chicago, and Los Angeles Impose Vaccine Mandates

Police And EMS Will be Terminated For Refusing Vaccine Mandate, Democrat Plan Is Destroying The U.S. reports that NYC Police have the lowest vaccination rates. Their union is ready to sue for the medical rights of its members. The video explains that New York has no medical or religious exemption.

It says Illinois is now requiring COVID “vaccines” and four police unions in Chicago have refused the “vaccine” mandates. Chicago Police Say “Hell No” To Mayor Regarding Mandatory COVID Shots. Chicago employees can apply for medical or religious exemptions which are reviewed by the city’s Department of Health and Human Resources.

Los Angeles Fire Department Captain on COVID Vaccine Mandate: This Tyranny Stops Right Here, Right Now.

“Cristian Granucci is a Los Angeles Fire Department Captain and 31-year veteran. Earlier this week he posted a video which has since gone viral where he states, “I’m done being silent,” in regards to the City’s COVID vaccine mandate for the Los Angeles Fire Department. He is very angry that their union has done nothing to protect their rights, and he makes it very clear that it is about “Freedom of choice,” and fighting tyranny. Granucci claims he represents “hundreds,” and this group is “growing by the day.” As his message went viral online, the corporate media has picked up the story both nationally and locally.”

These States Have Banned Vaccine Passports explains:

New York has introduced a government-sponsored digital vaccine passport program called the Excelsior Pass, according to the AP. The smartphone app shows whether someone has been vaccinated or recently tested negative for COVID-19. New York is the first state to implement such a system, according to The New York Times. At least some sports and performance venues, such as Madison Square Garden and Yankee Stadium, have used Excelsior Pass to prove vaccination.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Aug. 3 that the city would become the first in the country to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination for indoor dining, gyms, concerts and performances. The program – dubbed the 'Key to NYC Pass' – will be phased in slowly and apply to both customers and employees at applicable venues. 'This is a miraculous place literally full of wonders,' de Blasio said during a news conference announcing the plan. 'And, if you're vaccinated, all that's going to open up to you.'"

NY Unions For Choice Protested Medical Mandates In Huge Rally

NYC Lost a Record 631,000 Jobs to the Pandemic in 2020. So What’s Next? reports: “The statisticians closed the books Thursday on the jobs lost in New York City in 2020: 631,000, the largest one-year decline since reliable statistics began being compiled after World War II.” Those record job losses did not stop NYC from waging war against its union workers.

NYC Orders 150,000 Teachers & School Staff To Either Get Vaccinated Or Find A New Job; NJ Orders Jabs For State Workers reports:

“NYC announced a new, revised vaccine mandate for all NYC public school teachers: either get the jab, or go find somewhere else to work…. NYC teachers, as well as principals, other administrators, custodians and central-office staff will no longer have the option of submitting to weekly testing instead of getting the vaccine. The new mandate will impact some 148,000 employers (NYC is home to the largest school district in the country, with more than 1MM students, who we suspect will all be required to get the vaccine once it’s approved for their age groups).”

NYC Unions Protest COVID Vaccine Mandate shows that on August 25, NY Unions For Choice held a protest at City Hall in Manhattan to demonstrate against medical mandates. It was the largest protest of rank and file union members in NYC history and included unions for firefighters, teachers, nurses, healthcare workers, EMTs, EMS, police, detectives, sanitation, postal workers, federal workers, and more. Michael Kane, head of Teachers For Choice, who organized the rally, announced he is leaving the union and called for defunding of unions. He said 2,000 NYC teachers signed a Google doc to sue NYC over the “vaccine” mandate.

ALL OTHER NYC Unions are taking de Blasio to court FOR ALL DOE EMPLOYEES

Medical Freedom Rally August 31

Biometrics Coming to a New York School Near You

Protest at Staten Island UFT Tuesday August 31st, 10am

Watch Michael Kane In AUGUST 25th PROTEST

Officials, Restaurants, Gyms Sue NYC Over “Vaccine” Mandates

NYC Starts COVID Vaccine Mandate—What You Need To Visit Restaurants, Bars and Venues reports:

“Two weeks ago when the city first announced the initiative, known as Key to NYC, it only applied to dining indoors at restaurants, working out at the gym and attending indoor entertainment venues. The mayor has now expanded the policy to nightclubs, pools, all city museums and other cultural institutions….Businesses have until September 13th to come into compliance, at which point city agencies will start conducting inspections and issuing penalties for violations. Many restaurants have already begun checking customers’ vaccination status at the door. Overall, some 56% of New York City residents are fully vaccinated, but there is still wide variation between demographic groups….

A group of elected officials representing Staten Island have said they plan to sue the city over the vaccine requirement, calling it a violation of people’s rights….You’ll have to show proof of vaccination for indoor dining, not just at restaurants, but also in coffee shops, bars, cafes, fast food joints, catering halls and hotel banquet rooms. A wide range of indoor entertainment establishments will also have to check patrons’ vaccine status, including night clubs, concert venues, pool halls, movie theaters, stadiums, museums and galleries. If you want to work out at the gym, take an indoor fitness class or go to a dance studio, be prepared to show proof of vaccination as well.”

Staten Island officials announce plan to sue NYC over vaccine mandate for indoor dining, gyms and entertainment activities says:

“Assemblyman Michael Reilly and Staten Island elected officials gathered at La Fontana restaurant to announce the lawsuit they plan to file against the city's vaccine mandate for restaurants, gyms, and more, arguing it infringes on people's rights.”

Up against a machine': Brooklyn bakery ignores NYC proof-of-vaccine mandate shows restaurant is displaying the sign below. Brooklyn Business defies NYC vaccine mandate. Some NYC Restaurants Pushing Back Against Vaccine Mandate: ‘I Just Don’t Think That We’re Gonna Be The Vaccination Police’

NYC Restaurants Sue Bill de Blasio over Vaccine Passport Requirement reports:

“A restaurant owners’ association, three individual restaurants and two fitness venues filed a lawsuit against NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. They don’t agree with his new vaccine passport requirement.”

CDC Admits Vaccinated People Spread Delta Variant

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky just reversed policy reports that the “new data” shows the COVID injections don’t stop infection or prevent transmission. She says we should expect tens of thousands of breakthrough cases. So, how does forcing people to get the shots protect anyone?

CDC Alarmed: 74% of Cases in Cape Cod Cluster Were Among the Vaxxed

Biden, Fauci discuss requiring COVID booster shots every 5 months

Why Natural Immunity Is Superior To COVID Shots

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, demonstrated in How Del Has Been Ahead of The Curve on COVID on in Episode 226 Ahead of The Curve(Video) why COVID injections cannot compete with natural immunity in dealing with variants. Del used a football analogy to show the difference between the “non-specific antibodies” in the immune system that can handle any variant vs “specific antibodies” created by COVID shots that handle only the initial virus and are powerless against all variants! That’s why fully-vaccinated people have to get “booster” shots for every variant!


“Vaccine” Dangers

Healthcare Workers Sue Health Networks, Governor, and State and Over Vaccine Mandate

Texas Bill HB 39 To Ban Forced Vaccinations For Employees

Why War On Unvaccinated Is So Dangerous For Everyone

NY Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study

NY Senate Bill S7268 Prohibits COVID “Vaccine” Mandates

Senate Bill S7268

by George M. Borrello 57TH SENATE DISTRICT

PURPOSE: To prohibit a government entity from requiring individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: No individual shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. This act shall take effect immediately.

JUSTIFICATION: Vaccines are a choice and no one should ever be forced to be vaccinated. These are important decisions that are generally made between an individual and their physician. New York State government should have no control on issues that infringe on an individual's basic rights.

Research contributions from Elba Cornier.

Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post

Top image: Pixabay


People want freedom and they will do anything to get it... New York is a sinking ship, people need to escape over-taxed and overregulated hell holes.