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RE: How You Can Make Your Brain 11 Years Younger!

in #health β€’ 6 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I learnt the alphabet from my dad who engraved the letters on a bark of a tree. Hard times back then. A chisel and mallot was my first pencil. Yep a gun free zone! We don't need protection over here. We are meat eating civilised human beings. Hey did you get back that 6 Steem dollars I sent back to you. Probably put in under the mattress again eh?πŸ˜‰

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haha! you're so funny blanchy...especially when you're serious and not trying to be! lol. gun free zone...chisel and mallot!! lol..

ya know what I'm a dinosaur when it comes to financial stuff, I haven't looked at my wallet for a few day so I'll go look now thanks.