I loved reading your story! I am going to have to try your recipe for making broth with just a slow cooker and bone, it sounds like a great way to make a large base for soups. I tend to make large meals so I have plenty of left-overs.
You are lucky your second half is also on keto! I have to calm my sweet tooth when my wife brings home cupcakes :) Though sometimes she coaxes me into cheating.
I hope you keep with it! I am excited to continue reading your story and your recipes. Cheers
Thanks @chipper! Yes I am lucky she is following my experiment, but I must say is the first time in 10 years that she actually follows what I do. I should write a blog about that, real success! hahaha
I already got the 3rd delivery so you can read what is happening. I am into the third week and I am finding some inner demons i didn't expect to have. So dealing with them. Next week I will talk about them!
Thanks for your good wishes and for reading the blog.