I can very much relate brother. I also had my gallbladder removed due to the stones. I had two of those 16mm in size. But its been a year since my surgery but the four holes in my stomach still reminds me of that time.
Jaundice is common due to gallstones and even after the surgery some bile remains within the body which can cause jaundice for quite a while. My body has always been weak so i had some problems adjusting to the surgery. After the surgery, vomiting was a major problem. Greenish bile rushed out of my mouth twisting and turning my insides. Sorry for the mental image.
But all gets better with time and you need to adjust to your surgical state. No heavy lifting, no hard foods, no alcohol or even soda and also no spicy and oily food. I went back to drinking and smoking too soon depressed because of all the financial expenses i caused but it only increased my expenses while making me sick.
So take care and have plenty plenty of rest before getting back to your life.
Get well soon
Damn, sorry to hear that man, luckily I haven't had any vomiting afterwards but the jaundice is staying for a lot longer than they're expecting and they are now asking another medical team to check in on what it could be. Yeah, can't even begin to think about what the expenses will be. :<
Its nothing but a bad time mate
But bad times eventually end
bear through it strong man