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RE: Starting tommorow, I will be a non smoker! Wish me luck!

in #health6 years ago

For 15 years of my life I was a pack a day smoker. I was a slave to smoking. It was a magic drug. I smoked to celebrate, smoked when I needed to concentrate, smoked when sad, when drinking, when on break, etc, etc.... It was there in every aspect of my life. I knew it was unhealthy and tried to quit 100's of times only to come up with an excuse to return to my old friend. I finally got fed up and my wife was addamant that I quit. She is a non smoker. I smoked my last 17 years ago and have managed to never go back. The urge to smoke was still there and plagued me for almost 5 years. Then one day out of nowhere the urge to smoke just disappeared. For the past 12 years it has been an absolute non issue in my life. I wish you the best of luck in quitting. I suggest you avoid your friends who smoke for a couple months while adjusting to life without cigarettes. When they light up in front of you the urge to join them is overwhelming. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!!!


Wow. Thank you so much for the awesome reply. And you are right, seeing friends that I used to smoke with light up will definitely be one of the biggest obstacles. I'm just going to take it one day at a time and hopefully I will manage to achieve what you did 17 years ago.

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