
I go to the gym 3 times a week and i have nice muscles ...I would love to see my six pack ...should i use more coconut oil???

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

3 times a week 90 minutes ..harder than this i cannot

When we were living on our little sailboat, I suffered a night of pure agony from an abscessed wisdom tooth.
I'd read about oil pulling to help this sort of thing and all we had on the boat was sunflower oil. Pulling that through my teeth did give some relief but when we were able to get to a store I bought a jar of coconut oil.
The difference was amazing. After a couple of days the pain was gone and my whole self felt improved.
I still got the tooth extracted eventually but continue to use coconut oil for pulling.
Is there any science to it? No idea, I just know what works and for me that is coconut oil.

I grew up having coconut in everything our family eat. I love and missed those days! It's just now that coconut has given an attention.
Thank you @granit. Upvoted!
Please upvote me too. Thank you!

Sounds like coconut oil is all around pretty darn good for you. Lol. :)

Excellent information! Thank you for sharing.


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