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RE: Plant Medicine Knowledge - What Do You All Want to Know About?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

It's great that you are here in the Foraging tag, @jenncapestany! Here are some priority topics for the Foraging Trail.

  1. Blog posts about authentic, direct experience with foraging. In foraging, having correct information is essential, so posts may want to reference other material (be sure to provide the source for it). But building a post only out of the facts from other material isn’t enough -- it’s your experience and your perspective that will make the Steemit Foraging community unique and powerful.

  2. Thoughtful blog posts about different aspects of foraging. There are so many topics about foraging: motivations, fears, triumphs, family traditions, strategies and tactics, field trips and forays, regulations, best practices, reviews, and so much more!

The Foraging-trail focuses on food, arts, and crafts, including bushcraft. The use of plants for medical and health uses is being covered by the Health tag curators. But there is, of course, a lot of natural overlap. And the Health and Foraging curators try to coordinate. You can see more about efforts to make Steemit a premier forum for foraging on the Internet: here and here. I'm looking forward to your foraging posts!