Cow or buffalo, know which milk is beneficial for children

in #health6 years ago

Whether it is a child or a child, it is beneficial for everyone to drink milk. Milk contains large amounts of protein and many other nutrients which our body needs very much. We have heard from our childhood that milk is good for health. Not only milk, other foods like curd, buttermilk, ghee, butter and cheese have its advantages. But there is always the dilemma that when and how, when and how to use them. Various rumors continue to fly from time to time with milk. Today we are telling you about some facts related to milk.

Cow or buffalo's milk
Powder milk is better than cow and buffalo's milk. This is because the milk of cow or buffalo has the potential for adulteration. Yes, if you have milk in front of you, there is no defect in drinking cow or buffalo's milk. Buffalo milk has more fat than cow's milk. The cow's 100 ml milk contains about 65-70 calories, which is the same as the mother's milk. Fat in the cow's milk is also less. There is 117 calories in 100 ml milk of buffaloes. Obese people should avoid buffalo's milk and cholesterol patients should avoid cow's milk.

Tond or double-toned milk
It is better to drink tooth or double-toned milk to avoid cholesterol and fat. Children should give full cream milk only. Mother milk is better for children up to 6 months. Children can give full cream milk with packets after 1 year.

Tetra Pack Milk
The quality of the Tetra pack milk is not better than the rest of the milk. That's the difference between packing. It is true that milk in this packing is not bad for long but it is wrong that Tetra pack milk is better than other milk. According to the National Institute of Health, usually an adult consumes calcium from 1000 to 1200 mg daily. A glass of milk contains calcium up to 285 mg. The body uses this calcium to strengthen bones and teeth. Due to the increase in age, the loss of bone loss can be avoided by regular milk consumption. Phosphorus present in milk helps in absorb calcium and protect bones.

Identify the quality of milk
Its quality can be identified with the color, taste and thickness of milk. Milk may be adulterated if there is some abnormality in it. Besides, you can also see the finger in the milk. If there is more water in the milk, then it will come upwards.

At what age how much milk
Milk is a complete food. Milk and egg are the only food items that are the whole diet. All essential proteins and amino acids are found in the milk. Only iron and vitamin C are found in milk.

Children of 1 to 2 years require more fat diets for better brain development, so full cream milk should be given. For them, 3-4 cups of milk (about 800-900 milliseconds) is necessary in the day. Two to three year olds should give two cups of milk or milk products daily. Children of 4-8 years old are required to give two cups of milk and milk products like paneer, curd etc. daily. Children over 9 years of age should be given about three cups of milk or milk products like curd, cheese etc. Physically active teenagers need around 3,000 calories a day. They can give up to 4 cups of milk and milk products.

Milk for bones
Milk is essential for the strengthening of bones, so children should drink milk too, not only children but also adults. Adults should drink tod or skimmed milk instead of full cream. In a glass full cream milk, 146 calories, 8 grams fat, so much soaked milk 102 calories and 2 grams saturated fat. Skimmed milk contains 83 calories. It does not get fat


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