Home dirt affects children's IQ level

in #health6 years ago

If you want your children to be fast and intelligent to read, keep your home clean. Because domestic dust means that the dirt of the house proves as toxic chemicals for the people of the house. This has been confirmed in a study done by George Washington University. This research team conducted a first meta-analysis of itself, in which the top ten sample of household dust compared to those chemic chemicals that are commonly found in the dust.

He detected DEHP, a chemistry related to a dangerous class called phthalates. This is the first toxic chemical found in domestic dust. The amount of phthalates was very high, where there was too much dust.

Chief researcher Amy Jotta said, "Our study is the first of its kind on the Chemical Dust found in domestic dust, the first Comparative Analysis study. According to the study, when people, especially children, regularly come in contact with these domestic dirt, there are possibilities of creating special and serious health problems. "

Chemicals are released from the products found in the house and are exposed to the air and found in the house dust. After this, small dust particles found in this domestic dirt absorb and exhale while leaving. Some particles are then absorbed by the skin. Apart from this, the dirt is also in the floor on which the children keep their hands while playing and unknowingly, the dust in the hands then goes inside the body through the mouth or rubbing the eyes with the hands causes the eyes to become ill. .

This study has been done in 14 states and houses. Apart from this, 26 PR-review papers have also been included in this. He has detected 45 toxic chemicals like Vinyl Flooring, which are commonly used in household products. Later, these chemicals in household dust affect the health of people living in the house.


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