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RE: Here’s Why You Should STOP Using Microwaves

in #health4 years ago

Mercury is part of the natural world but do you want to put too much or excessive amounts of mercury into your body? Do you want to eat raw meat? How do you eat meat? When you cook, do you want to change the molecular structure to the food you eat? Fire does not change the molecular structure like microwave ovens do. There are differences and microwaves are worse when compared with fire. Also, fire has always been more common even without humans as lightning produces forest fires. Some animals create fire from their mouths. Microwaves are not really natural and you know that. Why are you denying reality? Same thing with vaccines and geoengineering. It's like GMO.


"Some animals create fire from their mouths."


"Microwaves are not really natural..."

Perhaps, not being a physicist, you may be unaware of the map of the universe based on the cosmic background radiation - basically microwaves - that best reveals the evolution of the matter after the initial 'Big Bang'. You also, not being a biologist, may be unaware that dragons aren't actually - and never were - living things, but fictional creatures.

Microwaves are the same thing as light, just at a different frequency, and are a constant in the natural environment. Also, I never said fire and microwaves are the same, so pointing out they are different isn't relevant to what I did say. What I did say is that cooking is novel in the natural world, and both fire and microwaves as methods of cooking are both 'unnatural' in the sense that no other creature has ever employed them.

And the very next thing you ask is why I'm denying reality.

This is the very first sentence of my comment on the OP:

"I have no doubt that microwave ovens contribute to disease, perhaps too much. There is too little research into this, and I appreciate you bringing it up."

Try to keep that in mind when insinuating I advocate for cancer or implying I recommend drinking mercury.

I agree that stars give out dangerous UV rays and other such things that do in fact give people skin diseases and other things. But is it true that mercury can help people with cancer? I didn't know that. I know that garlic is a natural remedy which provides many benefits. Likewise, it could be that mercury has an ability to help flush out cancer cells I would theorize or what does mercury do exactly? Maybe I should write an article about mercury.

Microwaves & WIFI

Instead of comparing the 2.45 GHZ microwave oven frequencies to light, why not compare it to the 2.4 GHZ WIFI frequency?


Why not compare microwave frequencies to sound frequencies in music as well? There are books that cover the different frequencies in music and how they affect and vibrate the structure and frequency of our human cells, our brains, our wiring. I should write an article about music (like the 528 Hz frequency for example) and how it affects us for better or for worse.

Fire vs Microwaves

I'm comparing and contrasting between fire and microwaves even if you are not.

There are very real differences between them, and I agree with you on that.

However, cooking over fire (which I do like to do, preferring to cook over alder because I like the taste) does have harmful effects. I am incompetent to list them, or to usefully contrast them to the harmful effects of microwave ovens (which I agree have harmful effects).

I actually think you could cook with sound frequencies. I have read that ultrasound raises the temperature of babies and that may have harmful effects that have not yet been well studied.

Apparently even using sound to cook with will have harmful effects. Dunno if there's a way to actually cook food that doesn't.

Maybe solar ovens?

Running around is harmful. Loving people is harmful as people can hurt you. Of course, things are harmful. Cooking over a fire, likewise, is harmful, I agree. I want to stay away from certain sound frequencies. I try not to always cook. I like eating raw garlic. A solar oven sounds like a good idea.