in #health6 years ago

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Diabetes does not stop you from enjoying your favorite meals. A diabetic lifestyle includes all kinds of tasty dishes prepared without sugar and with little fat and carbohydrates. This is the natural way you and your family should be eating. Removing fats from your recipes encourages weight loss, which is necessary when dealing with diabetes. Sugar-free doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. Sugar substitutes give you sweetness without the health hazard. Isn’t this the way you want to feed those you love, as well?

The recipes to be shared here later are sugar-free, healthy and delicious. They are designed to be enjoyed by everyone. Instead of feeling deprived with regimented diabetes "diet," you will discover new ways to flavor your sugar-free meals each day.
If you or a loved one has diabetes, you are undoubtedly concerned about preparing a restrictive diet. Certain foods are absolutely off-limits. Perhaps you need to stop thinking about all those restrictions and start considering all the healthy foods you can enjoy. Because that's what it's all about. Eating healthy.
You'll be eating grains, protein, fresh produce, and dairy. What you will avoid is fat, too much salt, and sugar. But those are unhealthy for you anyway. Why would you feed your family foods that are less than nutritious and that could create health problems?

Eating healthy, sugar-free, low carbohydrate and reduced fat is a lifestyle, not a diet. Make sure your meats are lean and use low-fat dairy products in your cooking. This will help you control your blood sugar and help you achieve or maintain your ideal weight. That's crucial for anyone with diabetes, and for everyone else, as well. Some of the posts that will be shared are deliciously tasty recipes. You can even enjoy desserts.
Become consistent in your eating habits. Consume the same amounts of food at about the same time every day, and watch your portions. Make sure you don’t go four hours or more without eating something. This will help keep your sugar level regular.

You should start using sugar substitutes instead of regular sugar. Brands such as Stevia, Splenda, and Truvia will not affect the level of your blood sugar and can easily be used in most recipes to help keep you sugar-free.
Integrate these changes slowly into your new lifestyle. Keep adding more fresh vegetables to your diet, and gradually reduce the portion size of your meals. Integrate more nutritious legumes and quinoa into your diet. Soon, eating healthy will become a habit.
Numerous studies have shown that 2 items can have a healthy effect on reducing symptoms of diabetes – coconut oil and cinnamon. Our posts will incorporate these two ingredients into many of its recipes.
Coconut oil can be substituted in most recipes calling for oil or butter. A study conducted some ago revealed that people who used coconut oil instead of olive oil lost more weight since coconut oil does not readily turn into stored fat. A healthy weight is important to people with diabetes and others, as well. Using coconut oil also helped with insulin resistance.

Research has been conducted into the effects of cinnamon on diabetes, and has proved that adding a bit of cinnamon to your diet each day is helpful in treating blood sugar level. Although more researches are still being conducted, it is believed that cinnamon helps to increase the efficiency of insulin.
It’s easy to get started on your new sugar-free lifestyle that will help you control diabetes symptoms. Enjoy good, healthy foods and exercise regularly for optimal health.


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There are also new foods that diabetics can try. I think it is good to change your diet once in a while.

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Your favorite meals may cost you more than just a temporary sugar/insulin spike...spare a thought for the exhausted beta-cells.