Natural Recipes For Psoriasis Treatment

in #health7 years ago


Psoriasis of the skin
Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects the life cycle of the skin cells as a result of psoriasis. Cells accumulate rapidly on the surface of the skin to form thick silver crusts and itchy, dry and red itchy layers. Sometimes psoriasis is a stubborn disease that lasts for a long time. Chronic illness There are periods when psoriasis symptoms improve and the disease worsens. Psoriasis in other periods For some patients, psoriasis is no more than a nuisance. Arthritis is not a cure for psoriasis, but psoriasis can make a big difference. Taking lifestyle measures, such as using a cortisone ointment, will expose the skin to natural sunlight moderately and in a controlled manner. , Which can lead to improved symptoms of psoriasis.

Symptoms of psoriasis
Symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person but they can include one or more of the following

Red layers on the skin, coated with silver colored peels.
Small dots covered with crust are common among children.
Dry skin cracked and sometimes bleeding.
Itching heartburn or pain.
Swelling and stiffening joints.
Psoriasis on the skin due to psoriasis can appear as a few points of the crusts and even a rash covering a large area. Light cases of psoriasis may be a nuisance. No more severe cases of psoriasis cause pain and disability. Most psoriasis develops periodically, Or months and then go for some time, but may disappear completely but in most cases come back at the end as they were.

Causes of psoriasis
Psoriasis is caused by an immune system, specifically a particular type of white blood cell called T lymphocytes. In normal conditions, these cells travel around the body to find and control exotic substances such as bacteria and viruses. But in psoriasis patients, these lymphocytes attack cells Proper skin by mistake.

T-lymphocytes are more effective than others, triggering different reactions in the immune system, such as expanding the blood vessels around the layers of the skin and increasing amounts of other blood cells that penetrate the epidermis.

As a result of these changes the body produces more healthy skin cells than other T lymphocytes and other white blood cells. As a result, new skin cells reach the outer layer of the skin very quickly within a few days instead of weeks as normal, but dead skin cells White blood cells can not fall quickly and therefore accumulate in the form of thick crusty layers on the surface of the skin. This process can often be stopped by treatment.

It is not clear exactly why T lymphocyte activity is disturbed in patients with psoriasis, while researchers believe both genetic factors and environmental factors play a role.

Diagnosis of psoriasis
The diagnosis of the disease depends on the clinical examination where the presence of red spots with the silver crusts in the spread of the disease of the complications of the disease, psoriatic arthritis, secondary infection and increased risk of developing lymphoma and increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases, the treatment of drugs and radiation includes the use of local treatment of creams such as Cortisone, vitamin D derivatives, A, tar, salicylic acid, radiotherapy such as sun, UVB, oral therapy or injections such as suralin therapy with UV-A, acetretin For methotrexate, cyclosporine, biological substances or herbal therapy.

Treatment of skin psoriasis with herbs
There are still treatments that are used to reduce and calm psoriasis and in some cases cure them including the following

The cactus contains the juice of patience on anthraquinone glucosides containing resinous substances, acids, apricot, polysaccharides and some minerals. The researchers found that the plant proved effective anti-pain and it has been used since ancient times to treat burns and skin conditions, including scabies, sunburn and insect stings. The plant is used as a main ingredient in cosmetics, PH, pH and cactus juice are useful for psoriasis, eczema, and the way it is mixed with honey and works as an external cream.
It has been used by ancient Egyptians and Indians for thousands of years, where they were infected with psoriasis and then exposed themselves to the sun has been recent studies that the fruits of vinegar contains Soraline, which has proven successful in reducing skin peeling caused by psoriasis, where this article To stop cell proliferation and slow down the splitting of skin cells that cause crusts.
Red pepper, which is known as the activity and there are several types, but the most famous African type, a small type, which contains a compound Capsaicin capsaicin by 0.25%. The magazine magazine Prevention that this type of pepper based on the psoriasis is very satisfactory and the user of this paint after completion Of the paint wash hands so as not to reach the eyes.
Licorice licorice contains a compound that is somewhat similar to the hydrocortisone effect but does not give the side effects caused by cortisone and the method is to take the
Avocado is a fruit that is similar in size and shape to pear. The old herb was advised to use avocado fruit peel to treat psoriasis. The avocato fruit contains 25% proteins, mono-halogen turbines and vitamins A and B. The pulp of the fruit is used with a portion of its skin as a paste and shown on the affected areas, .
Brazilian nut Brazil nut It contains oil oils of the type of fixed oils and this oil contains vitamin H as well as selenium metal has been used by the tribes of the Amazon basin for the treatment of skin diseases and the patient Psoriasis put this oil on the affected areas at night before bed and for two to three weeks is good for this purpose .
Fenugreek is one of the most famous herbal medicines and is a treatment for more than a disease and used for the treatment of psoriasis, where it grinds finely and finely then psoriasis affected areas of olive oil and then sprinkle the ring powder soft on the affected areas and do this once before sleep and repeated night next to take about 5 tablespoons Of the soft ring powder and then mix it with 5 tablespoons of olive oil and use a quarter of this amount by mouth four times a day for a month and this is next to the external use In addition to take a teaspoon of the seeds of the ring and add to a liter of water and boiled for one minute and then drain He drinks only water At a rate of a tablespoon every hour.
Angelica Angelica is a long-standing plant, a bright green legs hollow with small white flowers gathered in the form of flowers in the form of very attractive especially in the summer season and contain the comazines and vitamin B 12 and Betacetto Stirulhoshh Angel in-kind is the main herb of the cases of women suffering, The owners are treated for psoriasis where they are taken fresh and then spread to infected areas, or can be made soup and then taken up and then exposed to the sun and ultraviolet light.
Camomile is a herbaceous herb and the part used for flowering. It contains the oil of the pilot and the most important contents of this oil is a substance called kazulin and chamomile, which is very common in the European countries, especially for psoriasis, allergies and dry skin. The herbalists put this plant on the skin better than the common medicines used to treat psoriasis. Chamomile contains flavonoids next to volatile oils and is anti-inflammatory, it can be a fresh paint of the powder of camomile flowers soft with olive oil and paint the affected areas at night at sleep and continue to cure until it.
The herbalist or food containing the previous compounds is the best thing to treat psoriasis and the foot is the best food, says Dr. Andrew Weil, an herbalist and professor at the University of Arizona at Tucson and author of Naturul Health medicine. For that purpose. Where legumes are taken and cooked steamed like spinach and eaten and small legs are used with salad with meals.
Fumitory is an annual herb with leafy leaves and pink tubular flowers with dark red heads. It uses all parts of the plant containing isocinoline alkaloids and fumaric acid, which is useful in the treatment of psoriasis. The affected area is treated with a piece of cotton or cloth. Dip the plant powder into the water and paint. Infected areas twice a day.
Lavander Lavender is a herbaceous plant with beautiful purple flowers, attractive and aromatic aroma and extracts the famous lavender fragrance. The lunda contains oil of the pilot, where the oil is taken and painted by the affected areas. It is followed by almond oil and has given positive results for psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Milk Thistle, also known as wild squid, is a leafy plant with white leaves, purple flowers and the part used. Seeds that contain the compound Silymarin. This compound is known to reduce psoriasis. It also contains other anti-inflammatory compounds such as bitter substances and polyacetylene.