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RE: Bounties Of The Land Episode 13: How To Grow, Harvest & Utilize The World Renowned Super Food Moringa In Climates That Freeze!

in #health7 years ago

@quinneaker thank you for your very interesting post.
Where did you discover Moringa ?
I just moved to Ivory Coast where Moringa is a basic food as it grows easily and is wellkonown for its nutritive power(as you said) . I think it's also used here with a cosmetic purpose.
Looking forward to read other of your articles :)


I herd about it because I have been in the health, raw food, holistic, alternative scene for a long time.

Yes all over africa, in south america asana etc it is very common and a staple food. Keep all those "primitive third world people" WAY STRONGER than all these fat sick americans.....Pretty easy really hahaha