Today is The Day

in #health7 years ago

Today is the day that I head off to the specialist to have a biopsy taken, to decide between pre cancer or cancer.

I assume that it will take some time for the results to come back so I'll be in for a nervous wait.

Honestly, my hopes aren't high. That's not to say I've given up hope, I haven't. It's just that the symptoms I'm displaying do not fit with a precancerous diagnosis...

Either way, cancer doesn't scare me at all. Modern medicine's protocol for cancer, on the other hand, scares the hell out of me. Chemotherapy, radiation, radical surgeries etc... Oh I can't even handle the thought!

I watched my dad go through cancer a few years ago, and to see the strongest man I have ever known cry in pain from the drugs, vomit and shake uncontrollably from the pain medication, and waste away to nothing because the Chemo made him so sick, has made the decision easy for me...I will NOT put my kids through that.

There are other ways. Better ways. I will look at ALL of them before I agree to having my body injected or fried with carcinogenic poisons that 'they' call cancer treatment.

Wish me luck people!! :-)