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RE: Moringa Iced Tea Magic

in #health6 years ago

We travel with a big bag of powdered moringa and I put it in the morning smoothies for all the family. In Bali we grew it outside our home.

I discovered it while living in Chiang Mai four years ago. That and a bunch of other superfoods the western world is still catching up on:

Amalaki, noni, mangostene rind, papaya leaf, jiaogulan, cordyceps... the list is endless :)


So why am I suddenly feeling we have mutual friends of the Foxman persuasion?? haha... small world.

Dan Foxman???

Was that his name? SERIOUSLY small world! I shot many interviews with him for a herbal supplement company and learned all about his dynamic freeze drying machine :)

Chiang Mai is a very, very small town at the end of the day. :)