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RE: Did vaccines eliminate Polio?

in #health7 years ago

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IDK what you are talking about. I have plenty of content that I wrote and used links and quotes from links to support my argument. This leads me to believe you have an agenda. I was hoping to get out of a medium that was part of an agenda. Please unhide this post so all can benefit from the life saving info. TY!

The truth does not care weather you are using misdirection and becoming enraged at people telling the truth, simply because your ego is hurt; because you spent your life learning false facts that make the 1% rich...

EXACTLY!! If I tell you that you're wrong, you will become "enraged" because you spending your time reading lie sites and make them money by visiting their blog...

Read real science, not woodo sites!

Not sure I am reading into your sarcasm right. But my views are based on science not what science institutions say is based in science. Part of the problem is misdirection is part of making money. You have to make it not profitable to lie, cheat, steal and poison people. Mercury and aluminium oxide are bad for your immune system. These are added as a preservatives. What the manufacturer fails to mention can cause you and your loved ones harm. Doctors are not considering this when giving vaccinations to infants and doses are not adjusted to safe levels. There no safe levels of poison imo though. Some manufacturers have the vaccines labeled with the ingredients right there for all to see; so kinda hard to deny it. I chose to build on my knowledge base of facts to save myself from harsh consequences. Unfortunately doctors are not educated enough to avoid causing you harm. They give people drugs that cause serious harm when better options with no deadly side effects exist. Our culture is engineered to make this seem acceptable. I know better now.

If you want to live with the consequences then keep ignoring the facts.

I won't say that i am very much educated on the topic but i know that vaccines are weakened viruses so your immune system can develop antibodies against the particular virus after the vaccine injection. I fail to see why would they put mercury in there. (which is obviously poisonous)

actually it raises a few question in me:
what good would mercury do in a vaccine?
if doesn't do good, why put it in there?
are you saying that they deliberately put mercury into vaccines so they want to kill babies?
why do they want to kill babies?

Vaccines if they did work will only protect against 1 virus. So it is way better to stay away from injections such as vaccines with toxic ingredients that damage your immune efficiency.

Babies are cute and stuff but keeping people sick is where the money is. Shareholders like money. Has anyone ever done something bad in big business to make money? Mercury lowers brain function just like hydrofluorosilicic acid. Hydrofluorosilicic acid does nothing to increase the health level of your drinking water; so why do they treat 70% of city water with it? Because it is a way to charge for a cumulative toxic poison waste of the chemical fertilizer industry. Side benefit is that the brain function of the population is negatively affected so they don't think to try to look at what you are doing and try to stop you. Mercury was used to treat hats by early hat makers; hence the term mad hatter came to be. Thimerosal prevents the growth of bacteria in vaccines. Thimerosal is contains ethylmercury and they claim it is less toxic. They do not say it is not toxic. Make no mistake it will kill you dead if you ingest too much. It is still found in many injections despite the claim they no longer use it. Aluminium oxides are used instead, supposedly, and it is arguably more deadly. Experimental research clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.

My advice is to just eat an orange; and if it is a nontoxic orange it will do far more for your immune system then a vaccine ever could, with no deadly side effects.