DOCTORS EXPOSED - Doctors are Bribed and Compromised by Big Pharma - Get the Facts!

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Physicians are Paid (Bribed) $400 for Each 'Successful' Child Vaccine Program + Physicians have Quotas (Targets) to Meet for Big Pharma and the Gov't.


Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate!

This post is going expose more of the corrupt, predatory and deceitful practises that are systemic in the medical, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry and the supporting role that Gov't, and it's agencies play.

I'm going to give you the bad news first - then I'm going to give you some Good News which will include a link where you can find out if Your Doctor is Taking Bribes from Big Pharma. I will also leave you with some tips that will help to become better informed and make better healthcare choices for you and your familes moving forward.

Let's begin by taking a look at the Blue Cross (Michigan) Incentive Program for Vaccines (all sources used in this post are linked below).

Blue Cross Physician Incentive Program Booklet - Page 16

Blue Cross Bribe Doctors Vaccines Immunisation.png

Blue Cross pays doctors $400 when your child has had the 24 'Recommended' Vaccines' by the age of 2.

24 Vaccines in the first 24 months of an infants life, are you kidding me? That's 1 vaccine per month - including two 'flu vaccines'. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, are not even communicable diseases (they can’t be spread).

Our immune systems develop differently and they develop naturally and become stronger when we allow nature to take it's course and let our children get the flu, and recover from it naturally. These practises are not only irresponsible and harmful to your child - it is also an example of systemic and blatant Child Abuse for Profits.

A doctor must have more than 63% of the patients in their practice with all 24 vaccine; if they don't hit their 63% target they get no money at all, ZERO! Now you know why paediatricians are so quick to blast parents that refuse to comply with doctors orders - your love, concern and care for your child's well-being is costing them money!

What is the likelihood of a paediatrician making $400 from your child alone slowing down the vaccination regime when they know that need to pump 24 vaccines into at least 63% of their patients before they turn 2?

Your child is little more than a numerator hit and income center for Doctors and Big Pharma!

Paediatricians see 127 Kids a Week and they Dislike Parents that Don't Vaccinate 'Their Own' Children!

Interview with a paediatrician Vincent Iannelli .jpg
What do paediatricians dislke.png

CDC Report - Median Vaccination Coverage for Children in Kindergarten is 90+%

Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Kindergar.png

28.8% of Total Pediatric Visits are for Children Aged 0-2

Academy of Peadatrics Patient Demographics.jpg

One Paediatrician Will Make $52,000 per Year!

Vaccination Averages per year.png

A 10 Doctor Paediatric Practice Will Receive a Big Pharma Incentive Bonus of $520,000!

Granted, this is an assumption but I think it is on the conservative side. Irrespective $520,000 is a lot of money and it's a Big Incentive for Doctors to Push Vaccination Programs for Babies!

It is the Individual Doctors Responsibility to 'Minimize' Conflicts of Interest - Not the Gov't, AMA or Big Pharma!

If your Doctor Doesn't 'Comply' he Will be Asked Questions and Potentially Lose his Medical License.

Banner Conflicts of Interest American Medical As.jpg
Conflicts of Interest American College of Physic.png

It's not just Vaccines - Doctors are Incentivised for Childhood Counselling, Arthritis, Aspirin, Blood Pressure, Breast & Colon Cancer Screening, Cholesterol, Depression and Hypertension!

Blue Cross Physician Quality Incentive Program.png

“They make millions per year by being “compliant”. Can we trust any doctor with any intervention if they are getting kickbacks for using it? No. Can we trust doctors who get kickbacks and then abuse and humiliate and intimidate and coerce you to take their interventions that make them rich? Heck no.’’ — Dr. Suzanne Humphries, discussing revelation of paediatric kickbacks for vaccination.


Doctors are totally compromised and they are unable to give you and your child specific, tailored and unbiased advice about vaccinations (and many other so-called medical conditions).

With $400 on the line and a 24 vaccine qualifier married with a 63% minimum quota - how much personal consideration is your doctor giving to your child?

Since when does one size fit all?

Has your doctor explained this financial conflict to you before vaccinating your child?

I refer back to the American College of Physicians document:
“What would the public or my patients think of this arrangement?"

I'm not happy that doctors, medical boards, mainstream media, Gov't agencies like the CDC etc) don't disclose this information with me - what about you?

Good News - What You Need to Know!

Is Your Doctor on the Take from Big Pharma? Click this Link to Visit Open Payments Data and Find Out How Much Money Your Doctor is Making

  • Vaccines are a choice in 47 states and are not required for school admission.
  • Most schools require far fewer vaccines than doctors are trying to give to your child.
  • Be very cautious and wary when dealing with doctors.
  • Ask questions - take the advise, go home and research it before proceeding.
  • Ask your doctor if he is being paid by Big Pharma for the advise that he is giving.
  • Ask for a copy of the vaccine package insert, take it home and read it before proceeding with any vaccines or prescription regime.
  • Ask your doctor why the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program exists and why it has paid out close to $3 Billion in compensation?
  • Understand what each individual vaccine is for - most of them aren't even necessary. In most cases the risks far outweigh any perceived gains.
  • Do your homework - on everything!
  • Parents choose which vaccines are right for their children - not doctors.
  • Natural is best - organic, non-GMO etc.

I haven't warmed up yet. I am currently working on a bigger expose and I am across many topics, not just health.

If you enjoyed this post Please Share it.

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Open Payments Data

Blue Cross 2016 Performance Recognition Program for Physicians

Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice

CDC - Children who had contact with health care professional

Very Well - Interview with a Paediatrician

CDC - Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Kindergarten — United States, 2013–14 School Year

AHRQ - The Number of Practicing Primary Care Physicians in the United States

Paediatric Office Visits by Type of Visit by Patient Age


As far as I know only American Doctors get this incentive. Do you think that Australia does this? In Canada, at least in my province of BC, it is not even doctors that give vaccines. Parents must take their children to the Health Unit where nurses give the shots, and some shots are given right at the school.
I feel bad for Americans that have to put up with this pressure from their doctors though.
Interestingly, Del Bigtree, of VaxXed said that an Insurance Company wanted to meet with him to discuss vaccines. He said that he would educate them on how vaccination is making their Insurance payouts bigger, and that if this rate of vaccination continues that the Health Insurance business will no longer be profitable one of these days. I hope that they listen to him and stop these incentives to doctors.
I have been saying for a while that Life Insurance Policies for unvaccinated or less-vaccinated people should get a discount, since those people are healthier than the fully vaccinated. I hope that one day the Insurance Companies catch onto this.


Interesting .. thanks. I suggest to watch out for little things. Can I send this to my Doctor friends? A conflict of interest means yea they maybe they (Doctors) get it wrong but don't include everyone in the bucket (even if the bucket seems full). So I suggest using statements that are definitely not true in all cases: "Doctors are totally compromised" .. I know what you mean, but let's be careful here. We both know that can't apply to all doctors.

Maybe it is about using good scientific talk (almost no absolutes).. My "doctors" are all holistic .. They are still doctors.. I think some doctors have been tricked or have grown incompetent perhaps largely to influences in the system as your post shows very well. But let's think of them as people with the power to really help us. When Doctors wake up and speak out it is very powerful. Good to make Doctors friends in this cause.


I have noticed your post was flagged by R4fken, well known steemit hater.

I am for justice and I am here with all my Steem Power to help you resist his hate downvotes and let your post be visible for steem users. Upvoted!

Thank you for the support mione. It's greatly appreciated.

Vaccinations are a racket for profit. Some are really awesome, but so much of this is a detriment.

Excellet post! This is the first I've heard of insurers getting in on the act of vaccinating kids. It seems counter-intuitive at first glance. Insurers supposedly make money by getting more money from healthy people than they spend on sick people. Is there any info on how insurers end up profiting from this? I imagine that insurers are getting incentives from pharma or government somehow. It's clear they are invested in treatments not cures.

Thanks for the comment. I'm not too sure how the insurers tie in but I do have a few other stories that I intend to share on other related subject matter. I will take a look at the insurers and see what I can find.

If you find anything interesting I would encourage a blog about it yourself and let me know when you post it and I will do my best to support and share it. Just make sure that it's well researched, accurate and that you link to your sources. The more people that we have blogging about this the better. Alternatively, drop me a few links if you come across anything.

I will get to it in time but I'm currently working on other stories.