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RE: Day 28 Water Fast Update.

in #health6 years ago

First - let me just say the Cheez-it's on the refrigerator in the first picture made me crack up. Second - Wow - I'm so impressed by your commitment! Third - Please listen to your body. You've done some amazing healing thus far, please don't put your health at risk - vomiting makes me worry. You can always re-feed (healthfully) then fast again after a few weeks of re-feeding. I'll be following your journey! In Peace, Love and Health - T


@tamala Thanks for all your concern. Everything is going fine and vomiting bile is part of the process for sick people such as myself. Sorry for the late response, I have been exhausted for last few days. Feeling better today though so fingers crossed puking part is OVER!

Glad you're feeling better! Fingers crossed!