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RE: Targeting ala Mexicana (Looks Alot Like Targeting in the US)

in #health9 months ago (edited)

This is horrific. The dismissal is a mockery of justice. By claiming neither the individuals themselves, nor even the courts, have the authority to redress such grievances, the judge is basically compelling victims to defend themselves however they might. I suppose the judge expects them to do nothing, and to continue to suffer such depradations, but I am confident not everyone would be comfortable simply being sacrificed to the greed and pathological cruelty their oppressors evidence.

I am reminded of the RICO suit the Chrystic Institute and Daniel Sheehan brought against the Reagan administration and the CIA for smuggling massive amounts of cocaine into the USA to raise money for the Contras after the Boland Amendment ended official government funds being spent on terrorism inflicted on the people of Nicaragua being dismissed by the judge as 'frivolous' (and also fining the CI $1M), despite probative and voluminous evidence that was not allowed to be presented in court.

Such cruel dehumanization and crimes against humanity cannot be allowed, neither in America nor Mexico. I sincerely hope swift and nominal relief can be attained by all concerned.
