Just thinking

in #health6 years ago

Sorry to be annoying, which I have the feeling I am being. How would we calculate the intersection of a line and a plane? There's some kind of equation that returns y given x and z for the line ... well, there are three such equation, and let's write them as functions: get ... actually, let's write a general function for lines:
var ax = 0;var ay = 0;var az = 0
var bx = 1;var by = 1;var bz = 1
var a = ax + "," + ay + "," + az
var b = bx + "," + by + "," + bz
var l = a + ";" + b
//two points define a line
getline(l) {}

I hit a snag.

A line has three slopes, mxy, mxz, and myz. It has three intercepts, bxy, bxz, and byz. Hmm. Given two points, there's dx, dy, and dz ...
function getvalue(value,point) {
var a = point.split(",")
if (value === "x") {return a[0]}
/here we learn that Steemit will display square brackets/
if (value == "y") {return a[1]}
if (value === "z") {return a[2]}}

btw, check out this search result
