Eight Amazing Foods to Make Your Skin Glowing and Healthy

in #healthify6 years ago

Eight Amazing Foods To Make Your Skin Glowing And Healthy
As we know that Glowing skin makes you Attractive as well as Confidential. You never miss a gym and ready to try a new makeup fad. It's great, but did you know eating the right foods keep your skin preety . Skin helps in keeping your organs and blood away from the germs and other bacteria. So, try these delicious foods in your diet for healthy and glowing skin-
Tomatoes are filled with Lycopene which keeps your skin away from sun damage and makes it young and healthy . eat tomatoes daily in salads, soups and salsa.
Walnuts has anti-aging properties which is best to your skin. Walnuts are enriched with vitamin B . As well as eating you can use walnut oil for making your skin moisturized and smooth.
Yogurt contains Amino Acids, Protein, Calcium which strenghtens your bones and give freshness to your skin. By applying yogurt mask on face , it removes dead cell and sun tan from the skin .
These crunchy carrots are packed with Carotenoids that reduce your skin's sensitivity to UV rays. Eat carrots in salads, vegetables. By taking one glass of carrots juice daily, your skin gets glow , remove wrinkles and make skin healthy.
Coconut water is like gold for your skin. It balance your harmones, keeping your thyroid purring along. Balance thyroid means healthy skin, hair, nails and efficient metabolism. so, add some freshly grated coconut to your snacks and even cooked veggies.
Water hydrated your metabolism functions at peak capacity, you stay trim and toned, with clear skin and bright eyed. Take eight glass of water daily.
Beans and Legumes
Legumes and beans are packed with iron, zinc and protein to give you longer, stronger, shinier hair and nails.Throw on a handful of beans on salad or toss with olive oil for an afternoon snack.
Dark Chocolate
Latest research has shown that dark chocolate does not cause acne, infact protect your skin from sun damage. Chocolate, or rather raw cocao contains anti-aging antioxidants and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Chocolate also makes you happy. when you feel good , you look good.