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RE: Got Vinegar & Honey? Let's Do A Herbal Experiment Together! {Plus, Win Up to 50 Hive!}

in #herbalism3 years ago (edited)

I just found this, @qwerrie : and am going to try it - I thought you might appreciate the link, as I too don't like vinegar normally - but making it ourself might allow us to control the flavour?


YEAH!! Thanks for the link @clareartista! And thanks for the interest that got her to share it @qwerrie. I've been threatening to make my own ACV for ever.

YES!! :-D Let's all keep each other accountable! Or maybe the next @theherbalhive Challenge will be making our own vinegars :-D I had joined a fermenting group on Mewe last year, but then it disappeared, but I'm super keen to learn much more about fermenting, and bacteria-related foods, hehe!

I think making our own ferments should be a new years challenge - how about that?

Fabulous, @theherbalhive !! I'd be very glad of some company on my fermenting journey! From what little I know about it, it's a vast world of rewilding our internal flora!

I've just been checking what vinegars I have, for the current challenge, as I rearrange my whole kitchen after putting in a new stove - heaven!

Before I deleted all things FB I was on a couple fabulous fermenting groups. Very inspiring. Sometimes my kombucha tastes more like vinegar but I have since realized I have too many competing ferments (and therefor wild yeasts) in a small area. Kvass. Either my goats milk yoghurt or cheese. Kimchi. Dehydrating fruits....

O wow - I look very much forward to learning together: I've wanted to use home ferments and proteins but it's kind of hard to figure out where to begin - but the challenge here might be perfect, as I want to begin by making a vinegar :-D Gosh, yes, yoghurts too will be exciting: I used to make my own, and here we recently got access to organic cow milk, which helps - I'm missing Greek yoghurt and wanted to make my own - thanks again for the inspiration, @buckaroobaby !!

Hey @clareartista, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.

Awww, yummy - thanks @beerlover and @qwerrie !! I love beer and miss Scottish beer!

indeed, it may work.. but my wife simply doesn't tolerate vinegar (the smell is a big part of the problem, she has idiosyncrazy to a long list of smells, even the slightest and harmless). but more to say, vinegar is in the 1st lines of the list, it has no chances :D ... thats why we dont keep this substance in our household at all. but we have a huge stocks of honey :)

thanks for paying attention, @clareartista. appreciated.

!BEER (it is much more peacefull and harmless substance... isnt it?.. )))))

I also cannot imagine putting vinegar anywhere near my mouth, but I will report back if I'm able to make a softer and sweeter apple cider vinegar, dear @qwerrie ! :-D

let me treat you with a !PIZZA, dear
