in #hermitlast year

REVERSED: Anti-social, restrictive, isolation, loneliness, withdrawal

Name of the Card: The Hermit
Number: 9
Other Names: L’hermite
Element: Earth, water
Kabbalistic Letter: Yod
Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Hand
Sign: Virgo
Yes/No key interpretations: Maybe
Stone: Peridot

Awakened by the bellows of the yaks and the shouts of men and women, the young priest stood up with sleepy eyes and walked towards the entrance of the cave. He went out to see what was going on. People were wandering around the edge of the lake, but they could not deceive the animals standing in the water to get them out. The people in the water didn't care about the people outside, waving sticks, waving sticks and shouting, they just looked at them cow and cow. That was the reason for the uproar. Finally, someone out of patience set the animals in motion by walking into the lake, throwing the water on them with his hands and hitting them randomly with a stick. They went out reluctantly. The herd was gathered. The merchant, who came out of the water, looked around with a proud smile despite the water flowing over him and the mud he carried from the lake floor. He responded to the words that were thrown. The tents were quickly assembled. Ashes from the fires, food and remnants of dishes were covered with sand. The loads were loaded on the animals and the caravan set off. In order to speed up the walking pace of the heavy-blooded animals and to carry the caravan without breaking up, the caravan slowly moved away between the sounds of haydama and the dehlamas. The sounds were erased, and the desolation of the mountains once again covered the place. He thought that he could not travel from country to country like that. He wondered why their zeal and effort was the sort of thing no one had ever seen. However, he wanted to be either a merchant or a boatman on the "happy river". As far as he could tell, according to the task assigned to him, he would go somewhere, see something. Until his body could no longer carry him. After that, his soul would be freed and rested. And again he would wander as far as he could see and see the torment and suffering of the world, its incredible tortures. He no longer thought of being either a merchant or a boatman. But what was it? He slowly bowed his head. He parted the branches at the cave entrance with his hands. He swept and cleaned the floor with a piece he cut off. And he turned the sand upside down and laid it again.

The old Hermit slowly appeared. He stood as if staring at the young man with absent eyes. Once he had found his place and sat down, he said in a dry and growling voice, "My time to go is near, but I can't do this without telling you fully what I know. The famous person who was your guide and teacher had sent me medicine made from herbs. "Make me drink six drops of the medicine, and I will come back to life. It is forbidden for me to leave my body until I have finished my work."

After saying that, he handed the young priest a small stone-carved bottle that he had taken out of his robe. The young man took this relic with great care. The old man said, "Now we will continue again." said. "Eat while I'm resting... I'm a little tired. But look, listen carefully. Try not to forget anything. Don't be distracted by my situation. Because I have no value in their presence. This information will be well guarded and when the time comes. will be disclosed."