HF20 needs to happen ASAP because HF19 is a total mess!

in #hf197 years ago (edited)

HF19 has fucked the little guys even further than i thought the founders could anticipate and things are just getting started!

Before HF19 as a minnow you could vote almost 40 times before exhausting your voting power that day but now it's down to 10! Although each upvote was worth less back then, it made one express support to a post or comment of one's liking and even drove post discovery. Nowadays most people read the top posts on Hot and Trending and ignore everything on New.

Those who manage to scroll New only upvote people with reputation score of 64 and above and this is only if they find it early on from publishing time. Through observation you can see simple posts of lets say an image or video and 1 sentence from a person with reputation score of 64 and above get 200 upvotes and at that exact time the post has like 50 views. What made the 150 people who upvoted upvote without even opening the post? Simple answer Reputation score.

It's not bad to be upvoted by people italiceven though they don't read your posts, what's really sad is to say that HF19 was to help the little guys when the big guns make twice more now!

Before i forget there's a newcomer (3 months old) dolphin with really good SP who really writes awesome posts and also makes online courses, he is synonymous with lengthy posts and videos that seem to go on for days (I'm a fan of him on steemit and outside steemit) lately he made a course and was advertising it on facebook where he tells people to pay $180 for it and be ready to invest another $100 upon buying the course...

Basically what he does is get people to pay him $180 to tell them about steemit and then they pay him $100 so he can be upvoting one post per day for a month from those who buy his course!

In an age where everyone is trying to get people on steemit for free and some go to extent of spending their time and money to get people on steemit, others are exploiting newbies!

HF19 has created uncertainty that was never there before and this might screw this platform innthe future. I hope something gets done soon.

© Revolt inc


Good post.
I agree with your opinion.

Thanks @revelim i believe something needs to be done or whales need to vote even with 1% share to minnows so as to distribute the wealth. Maybe they can start an Adopt a Minnow initiative where whales choose posts from minnows to vote for and this way we all benefit

I think we should all just get sliders to set our voting power per vote, instead of limiting it to those with a certain amount of steem power. Error messages could be shown if someone is going to vote with too little power to be recognized, which would solve the concern of someone voting with so little power that they cannot be recognized by the blockchain

Let me fix your photo


have to disagree, before hardfork 19 i dont even want to vote becoz my vote only worth $0.1 aftrr hardfork 19 my vote worth $2 and i come everyday to vote for new guy

before hf19, new guy vote are worth $0 and now they worth $0.1 so they are more happy to visit steemit also

I disagree with you because the kind of minnow is talking about is below your voting power for instance you have 2,000 SP and your vote you say is worth 2 dollars what about a guy like me who has 20x less sp than you... Means my vote is almost worthless even with HF19. also your audience for your posts are very engaging compared to English speakers.

You said you only upvote worthy posts but haven't upvoted this post?

I agree somewhat with you.
There are apt to get together between riches.

I think anything is better than this HF19 ..for those who are earning more obviously wouldn't see anything wrong with it but for those who were making pennies and now are making even less pennies would prefer to go back to earning the pennies they were earning before.

You can turn down your voting power percentage to vote at the same power your 100% was before HF19. So if you want it to be like the old way, literally nothing has changed for you with HF19.

Minnows don't have this feature

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by erickjongo from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

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