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RE: SBI in an HF21 World - Part 2: Convergent Linear & Downvote Pools

in #hf215 years ago

ideais... curation incentives will encourage the rewarding of quality content, and people that 'prove their brain' receive the most rewards from the pool.

The inherent flaw to this logic is that everybody perceives quality differently.

i disagree! as far as I see it, 'the proof of brains' lead to people feeding bots, get themselves into some rats runs, engagement games, contests, money-promising promo campaigns, just any sort of things, except creating the quality stuff. I see myself as an (amateur) photographer, and know what? I dont jump on this sort of activities (except the photo contests, which is a natural thing to me). And I look at some other users, who started with me, and post NO quality stuff at all, but play games and this rat runs, fishing out delegations, etc etc etc. And you know what? They grow! Much, much faster, than me.

I not gonna follow this pattern, I am too principled and stubborn for this to increase the amount of shit on the Internet.

Hehe. I just shared my point of view on this.


You claim to disagree, but all of your points back up the argument.

Everybody perceives quality differently.

...quality... differently

@sbi-booster, yep! to me quality is smth useful and nice, a beauty created from scratch, that will left here after we die, and will stay pleasing other people. as simple as that.

Well put! Now go find quality and upvote it freely!

Or better yet... find consistent quality creators and sponsor them for SBI... ;)