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RE: Podping is preparing for Hard Fork HF26 and HiveFest

in #hf262 years ago

I'm guessing here, but everything tells me that the values with HP and M as units use the same procedure for recalculation. The value is calculated from raw RC using current price of VESTs.
Calculating on raw RC values is simplier. Since your RC regenerates from 0 to 100% during 5 days, just take max_mana and divide it by whatever period you want to calculate, that is, 5 for daily recharge rate, 120 for hourly recharge rate, 7200 for minute recharge rate etc. The result is going to be expressed in raw RC values as well. Only now you can treat it as amount of VESTs (which have 6 fractional digits) and using current price recalculate it to HP/M presented in the panel.