Why History is Important

in #history7 years ago

A strong connection to history through one's own family line is beneficial to the individuals of a family and the community at large.

Modern science describes our thoughts as being indistinguishable from our real-time experience on a biochemical level. I would guess that our real-time experience would have the capacity for much deeper intensity, but I can verify the general truth of the statement myself. With a little effort, you can attempt to replicate this yourself. The next time you attend a movie, really focus on inserting your own awareness into that of a character that stands out to you.

Spend special attention on the emotions that get stirred up while doing this exercise and see if you can perceive the similarity to some type of similar experience you had. Similar thoughts (experiential or imagined) manifest similar biochemical reactions in our physical bodies.

Knowing this, imagine have grown up hearing stories of your own families heroic or otherwise notable deeds in lieu of the television or video games you've likely consumed. The telling of stories is a world wide tradition for this reason. The stories one grows up with build their subconscious mind, the more coherent and consistent the messages and morals of those stories the more consistent and strong the thoughts and actions of a person will become. When families or larger communities do this the results compound.

Speaking as someone who has traced my own ancestry back approximately 5,000 years (according to the current scientific consensus) to two distinct cultural groups of northern Germany, I have had my perspectives changed radically sense contemplating my origins and learning what I can about my long forgotten cultural past. Over the span of several years I have gone from having a mere inkling of my kin over three generations in the past. With a bit of hard evidence via genetic tests, I have now gained thousands of generations of authentic cultural & spiritual heritage which have now opened themselves to me. I will also say that it took very little time studying for me to understand and connect with the stories and mythology of Northern Europe once I understood how to extract the depth and meaning from them.

If my understanding of genetic memory and subconscious symbolism are close to accurate, then anyone who takes the time to explore their own heritage and far ago past with the wisdom and morality they carry will quite often experience a similar connection.

To end on a poetical note; There is a great Spirit within each of us, once we discover what language our Spirit speaks we can set it free. This connection & communication with Spirit is the most beautiful gift you could ever give yourself.

This lack of connection to Spirit is plaguing the world. Centuries of warfare have left much of the world severed from their spiritual heritage. Forced melting pot policies in Europe and America coupled with low morality entertainment have further distanced our conscious mind from this connection to Spirit. Spirit is still inside in whatever form you are prepared to comprehend, it's up to each of us to reach out in thought and action to awaken it.


Yes...history is our identity as human being ! :)