The evil field

in #history3 years ago


There was something I hadn´t quite seen: the 'evil field'!

Like the standard field before it, the demon´s area of influence began and ended in two concentric circles, of an identical size, surrounding the whole of the area. Yet, this one was a sickly green colour, and it seemed to be armed with a poisonous injection, similar to that of the initial field.

Each of the two parts of the area were identical and connected by a line, like two waves that were also identical. I raised my head to realize that the land was barely visible, as the malignant sphere cast a gloom upon it.

Within this ringed area that I was looking at, there were two things:

  1. The first was the 'evil field', which, like the one before, was a sickening green colour, and encircled everything furnished by a poisonous injection. Beyond that, other things obstructed the view of everything.

  2. The second one was a huge, deep pond, which began in the middle of the ring, stretching backwards, and occasionally moved forward, covering the previous part. By it, I could see the exit of the ring, like the entrance of another other one that was hidden by the black circle of the pond, which was reflecting its light.

The light! It was so beautiful! As I looked at it, my heart violently accelerated, as I excitedly looked towards it. It was so beautiful, and yet it was different from any other light!

It was a true 'beautiful light', without the slightest flaw, and yet, the light was not a light; it was a dazzling, multicoloured firework!

I wasn´t the only one to sense the beauty of this light, as I saw a couple of insects, gigantic in proportion, which were approaching towards the pond.

"What are these insects?" I asked.

"These are Ophidian Witch Bees," answered the lady. "Their exit is the only way to the inner circle, we must stop them now!"

At her words, I sensed the eerie 'somnolence' that mingle together with the beauty of the light those caused in me a slight, unpleasant shiver.

"What are those things?" I asked.

"These are the Ophidian Witches; they are the guardians of this demon," replied the lady.

"How is it possible for them to exist in this place…?" I continued to question; "Those things are monsters!"

"Yes, but they are not dangerous before the time of the conditions in which we are living. In other words, they are ours. Furthermore, they are not the same as the other creatures that we see around us; I think that they are tied to the demon due to some unknown reason. They are in the process of getting ready to chase the evil ones and they will be the first ones to be the one to destroy it," the lady said.

"But it´s the monster that is a monster, because of their nature," I complained, "I´ll have to kill it, or call out, that we have dangerous enemies! And this thing also… will fall under my command if I, or Malice, or anyone needs to take action. This place is like a compound!"

"You can´t do anything?" Asked the lady.

"Not without being attacked by the monsters! And something may happen to them! Why are you so calm that you don´t look worried?" I asked irritably.

"I am the only person that can lead you; I am expected to be calm for some reasons," she said.

"I don´t understand anything about what you are saying," I replied; "But anyway, how are we supposed to stop the insects?"

"These creatures won´t enter that water, only that light, which is reflected by it; I'm certain of this.


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