Captured By The Apache: The Raiding Party Continues

in #history5 years ago (edited)

Not "party" as in having a good time.. party as in War Party. But this excursion was more about getting horses and to kill as many whites as they could without getting into a big battle.

One of the mountainous areas that the Apache called home:

download (16).jpgsource

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas! We're in a series about the Wild West and the story of an 11 year old German boy, Hermann, who was captured by an Apache war party from his family's farm in 1870 in Central Texas.

This is not a pro-Indian nor a pro-white man story. Both sides committed atrocities. The Apache were being decimated by the loss of their main food, shelter and clothing source, the buffalo, and they were being hunted by the army so they were on a war footing and fighting for their very existence. To them it was kill or be killed.

They hated the white man for all the destruction and death he had brought to them. But this story is being told from a white boy's perspective while living with the Apache. This ain't no Little House On The Prairie tale, this is a chunk of hard reality from those turbulent times.

In the last post Hermann was with one of his tribe's raiding parties when one of their warriors faced off with a white man by himself and both of them had shot and killed each other. It was a grim sight for him to see because he had never witnessed the death of a man before.

A free herd of Ranger horses

After they buried the warrior they continued on and when they got close to Fort Territt they found a Texas Ranger encampment but the Rangers weren't there. However, they had about 30 head of horses so the braves proceeded to herd them away. Some of them had locked chains on their feet and the braves couldn't break the locks so those horses were killed.

That sounds cruel but in their reckoning those horses in the Ranger's hands would just be used against their people so if they couldn't have them, neither could the Rangers. No emotion, just pure strategy.

Settlers get massacred

Two scouts came back to the main party while they were driving the herd of horses. There was a road ahead with a family and a wagon pulled by oxen. They were unaware of the Indian's presence. The party was able to easily swarm and overtake them. The man was out front with the oxen and in just a few seconds he, his wife and a baby were killed.

They scalped the man and woman and took two other kids captive. There was a girl about 8 years old and a boy about 6 years old. Perfect ages to make into Apache. The oxen were killed and the wagon with the dead bodies was set on fire.

Folks, I don't mean to be critical but there's no way that this family should have been out there in the open country by themselves. They were an easy target.

The two kids didn't fare well, as one can expect after the trauma they witnessed. Hermann said no matter what they tried they wouldn't stop crying. Nor could they get them to eat anything. Hermann didn't say WHAT they were trying to get them to eat but it probably didn't matter.

The fact is, even though they were the perfect age to raise as Apache, they were driving them crazy with their constant wailing. The party couldn't sneak up on anyone and they were putting the whole group at risk. I don't know if Hermann tried to talk to them or not, he didn't say.

Remember when Hermann and his little brother were taken? They were silent no matter what happened and they earned the respect of the Apache. But the difference was these kids didn't care whether they lived or died. I wouldn't have either, would you?

Well anyway, so this went on for four days and nights. Finally two big braves came up on either side of the little girl's horse and the little boy's horse. One took the left hand and foot and the other took the right hand and foot and raised them up and drove the horses out from under them.

Then they started swinging them and let loose on the third swing, catapulting them high into the air. They were already mounted on horses so throwing them up into the air like that would have been what, at least 15 feet in the air?

They were killed when they landed. They rest of the party road over the bodies and then the mangled bodies were hung on a tree for the vultures. Also, as a sign of terror for the white man, in my opinion.

In Hermann's own words

This story that Hermann is telling was written by a friend as it was told to him. But here is what Hermann himself said about this tragedy:

"I hesitate to recite these revolting crimes, but they were true instances of the savagery in which I was engulfed through no choice of my own, and I tell of them in order to show the venomous hatred cherished by the Indian against the whites."

And with good reason. Most people don't know that at one point the United States Army put a bounty on scalps and ears of Indians. As a result, whole, women and children were slaughtered, hunted like animals. So the hatred was on both sides.


In the next post the Texas Rangers catch up to the raiding party.

Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!





It was a time of kill or be killed and they had no choice really. I don't like violence , but when your entire existence is under threat you resort to doing thinks that could be considered humane. The problem it just escalates and there are no winners until there is nothing left. Hermann grew up very quickly as he had little choice I am enjoying the story and look forward to what comes next.
I watched Highwaymen on Netflix the other day and the Texas Rangers were reinstated after what those two ex rangers did in sorting out Bonnie and Clyde.

I just watched that, too. It was very well done and didn't perpetuate the robinhood myth and romance that other movies focused on.

I enjoyed it as well and don't believe in romancing and making stars out of villains. I knew about Bonnie and Clyde , but wasn't sure about the whole story so it helped me fill in the blanks. They weren't very smart if it is based on fact which it looked like it was to some extent.

howdy again sir cryptoandcoffee! hey that would make a tremendous series I think. Not exactly the Old West but it was pretty much the Wild West to them! And there would be tons of accurate information and lots of good pictures. lol.

Howdy sir cryptoandcoffee! very well said and I totally agree. Herman was forced to grow up fast if he wanted to survive, I'm surprised that they were so hard on him at his age but to them he was of age to be in serious training.
I just saw the awesome ad for the Bonnie and Clyde movie tonight, it looks trememendous and got a great endorsement from Melinda who I see has already talked to you about it.

Such horrible brutality has been practiced by people throughout history. Not the first time and I'm afraid not the last.
And because you will always be the king of Engagement....

oh yes, it's pretty mild compared to alot of stuff we've read about. unfortunately but when it comes to wars
people go to the extremes especially when revenge is being sought and it usually is.
Thanks so much for the engage tokens!

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Morning janton, this was a bit of hard post to read, such cruelty to us and I suppose the Apaches thought otherwise.

Howdy today angiemitchell! yes Ma'am it is hard to think about but it was a deadly and dangerous
time. At least the Apache were taking the kids alive to bring them up as their own.

Yes, a good point. Doesn't say much for the white man does it?

howdy angiemichell! no, it doesn't say much for the white man at all! Our race just wanted them all gone, their entire civilization. We wanted the rich farm and ranchlands that they were on, we wanted the great forested lands that they
occupied, we wanted the land next to their beautiful lakes and rivers.

So we drove them off and took the lands that they had called home for at least a thousand years and put them on barren, worthless land that couldn't even be farmed in most cases.

Dang dude. I read the removal from the horses twice to make sure I understood right. What a gruesome memory.

Thanks, Janton. This is a fascinating story you’re telling.

Howdy sir dandays! Yes that was kind of a dramatic way to kill them, I'm not sure why they did it that way but at least it was pretty much painless. How's it going there? Have you posted recently? sorry, I haven't been over there to check, been working off line alot. So have you! lol..I know, that's pitiful humor. Besides, you were never a lineman anyway right? Like the Glen Campbell song?

Sad and horrific as it is, such is life then. The hatred of one for the other. Each trying to justify their violence. Each killing in order to live. Who is right, who is wrong. Who is more cruel and evil of the two. Nobody has the answers. That's life, and life goes on....

Howdy sir Vincent! that's true, that could be an endless arguement. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Wow! Such cruelty to the two children besides all the rest of the goings on.
I agree that a family should not be isolated out there on a homestead with the dangers of a war party at any time.

Howdy there redheadpei! Yes it was taking a big chance to be out by yourself in certain parts of the West, Central and West Texas was one of those places where people got attacked and kidnapped for a span of about 40 years until all the tribes were
driven onto the reservations..and then they kept escaping to do more raids so it took decades in order for vast areas to be safe from attack.

In those days it would be difficult for a peaceful homesteader,working the land to provide food for the family, not knowing when a war party might attack and scalp you.
On the other hand terrible atrocities were done on both sides.

Howdy redheadpei! exactly. I would stay in the city East of the Mississippi!

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OMG! I am no more good after reading this. "No emotion" is a perfect description for their psyche. They wouldn't be able to do the things they did if they had emotions. Hatred on both sides only leads to devastation, no matter who wins the battle. What a hard way of life.

howdy again Butterfly! yes it was devastating to a few whites but relatively few while entire tribes lost everything but the hatred that has lasted for generations is tragic for both sides.

Very beautiful! I am an artist and I would love to be there. Great photo of a wonderful place

Howdy there shapovalov! Yes it is some very beautiful country, thank you for reading and commenting!

I think the word 'savagery' sums up these crimes of prejudice and hatred @janton. It's so hard to fathom the actions of the human race at times. I really appreciate the time that goes into these blogs even though I haven't been able to read all of this series.

Howdy Trudee! I agree and thank you for the kind words! How are you doing anyway?

Always a pleasure! I'm doing well thanks John and enjoying the cooler weather immensely.

Howdy again Trudee! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well and this reminds me that I have an email to get to, I'll do that today after I figure out some kind of post. lol.

Thanks for that John, but never feel under pressure to return emails unless I stress URGENT! 😄 After all.......I'm not always punctual you have discovered. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

howdy again Truddee! It's been a good weekend, did you guys do anything interesting? I haven't gone anywhere, just working around the house but yesterday it rained all day so I was trapped inside. Jack wasn't too happy either so I took him for a run when the rain lightened up, on our county road where it isn't muddy.

We have erosion areas on our lawns so I was patching and planting grass today while the soil is still wet.
Oh yeah, I like that about emails, we can answer when we have time!

yes, all this is terrible! it's amazing how this boy kept his mind

Howdy again tali72! yes I think he came back and did fine in life, it was amazing that it didn't mess him up!