Onrust Island, Shelter For Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims During Dutch Colonization - Pulau Onrust, Tempat Penampungan Jamaah Haji Indonesia Pada Saat Penjajahan Belanda

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Good Afternoon my friends, at this time I want to discuss a little history of Onrust Island located in the Seribu islands district. I raised this story because at this time is the month of pilgrimage for Muslims. Little we remember going on hajj during the Dutch colonial era.

Selamat siang sahabat-sahabatku, pada kali ini saya ingin membahas sedikit sejarah tentang Pulau Onrust yang berada dikabupaten Kepulauan Seribu. Saya mengangkat cerita ini dikarenakan pada waktu ini merupakan bulan berhaji bagi umat islam. Sedikit kita mengenang akan berhaji pada zaman penjajahan belanda.


Hajj past time is not as easy as today. No planes. All pilgrims must pass by sea. Not to mention, the rigid rules of the invaders that make it difficult for Muslims to perform the pilgrimage. At that time, the Dutch were afraid of pilgrims returning to the country with the idea of ​​resistance. Therefore, the Dutch monopolize the departure of Hajj. British ships that deliver pilgrims to the homeland in the stop. Only Dutch ships can carry pilgrims to Arabia.

Berhaji tempo dulu memang tak semudah zaman sekarang. Tak ada pesawat. Semua jamaah harus lewat laut. Belum lagi, aturan ketat penjajah yang mempersulit umat Islam untuk berhaji. Kala itu, Belanda takut jamaah haji pulang ke Tanah Air dengan membawa ide perlawanan. Oleh sebab itu, Belanda memonopoli pemberangkatan haji. Kapal-kapal Inggris yang mengantar jamaah haji Tanah Air di-stop. Hanya kapal-kapal api Belanda yang boleh membawa jamaah haji sampai ke Arab.


To facilitate supervision, the Dutch built shelters. And starting in 1911, the island of Onrust was chosen to become the embarkation of Hajj pilgrims. There used to be 35 barracks. Each can accommodate a hundred pilgrims. Hajj pilgrims must stay on Onrust Island for five days.

Untuk mempermudah pengawasan, Belanda membangun penampungan. Dan mulai 1911, pulau Onrust dipilih menjadi embarkasi jamaah haji nusantara. Dulu ada 35 barak. Masing-masing mampu menampung seratus jamaah. Para jamaah haji harus tinggal di Pulau Onrust selama lima hari.


The Dutch are also afraid of pilgrims from Mecca carrying infectious diseases. When the pilgrims arrived, the Dutch sprayed boats and pilgrims' goods with germicidal fluids. The pilgrims must bathe and change the quarantine clothing.

Belanda juga takut jamaah haji dari Mekkah membawa penyakit menular. Saat tiba jamaah haji, Belanda menyemprot kapal dan barang-barang jamaah haji dengan cairan pembunuh kuman. Para jamaah wajib mandi dan berganti pakaian karantina.


This is the history of the island of Onrust that we rarely know, hopefully with the independence of our nation, the pilgrims of Indonesia will increase and be grateful of the relief given by our government at this time for the pilgrimage.

Inilah sejarah dari pulau Onrust yang jarang kita ketahui, semoga dengan kemerdekaan bangsa kita ini jamaah haji Indonesia akan bertambah banyak dan mensyukuri dari keringanan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kita pada saat ini untuk berhaji.

1. Wikipedia
2. Indonesian History Reborn
3. Yuntiwa's Journal




Upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks friend, I hope we will support each other's content @riosparada

Please use the tag " deutsch " ony if you write in german language. Thank you .

I think the writer just make (hopefully) small mistake, instead of Dutch, he wrote Deutsch

He...he... sorry we are sometimes confuse about deutsch and dutch... :)

yeah,sorry friend.
I writing dutch but my keyboard is typo

really sorry @lichtblick

This post received a 3.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @klen.civil! For more information, click here!

Penuh dgn perjisngan ya

ya bg
memang penuh perjuangan jamaah haji zaman dulu

Cerita bagus yang diketahui banyak orang. Terima kasih.

good post @klen.civil



thanks bro

Sang meuteume khem lam seupot

Really interesting story and good written :)
upvoted, resteemed and followed you ;)

Keep up the good work!

Greetings from
Djangos story @juicypop