The Bronze Shoes And Other Miscellaneous Relics Of King Muryeong In Baekje Kingdom, Korea

in #history6 years ago

The relics I’d like to introduce in this posting were the Bronze Shoes and Other Miscellaneous.
The common point of these relics was those were found in Korea only according to the researcher.

There were two sets of the bronze shoes.
It seemed that there were different patterns between King and Queen’s shoes.
But it was difficult for me to distinguish the differences between them.







What I found was the patterns of King’s was based on the hexagonal patterns and Queen’s looked like tree or flame.



There must be the meaning in the patterns of King and Queen’s Shoes patterns.

I think I need to look other patterns of shoes carefully to find out the something meaningful subject.

On the wall of the exhibition room, there were lot’s of bending jade. I posted on the bending jade in the posting relating to the relics of Shilla Kingdom. At that time I introduced that the bending jade meant the Royal authority.


This bending jades were found only in Korea.
So the fact the bending jades were found in Baekje showed us the intimate cultural background between Baekje and Shilla.

Some scholars seemed to estimate that civilization of Shilla could come from the sea.
But this bending jade showed us that there existed the common cultural historical background between Shilla and Baekje which was originated from Goguryeo of Manchuria.

I could hear interesting interpretation about the original image of the bending jade from the researcher. She told me that the bending jade was as similar as the embryo.



If so, the bending jade means that the very start of the life.
I though her interpretation was reasonable.

There were small golden decorations near the bending jades.
The researcher explained that those were the caps for the bending jades.
Those small caps were very delicate.




There were golden works in the vicinity of the bending jade.
As I posted before, the excavation for King Muryeong’s tomb was the example of bad case.
The scholars had not the experience in the excavation and the proper measures had not been executed while excavating.




So, even though the small golden pieces were displayed, nobody knows the exact meaning and function of those items.
It was sorry to hear that explanation from the researcher.

Thank you for reading

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the elegance of the past compares with the most modern styles and often wins.

The shoes of King Muryeong was quite intricate and truly beautiful of its kind. I can only translate and picture in my mind what meaning the designs wanted to impart. But the bending jade among other relics from the Korean Kings are truly marvelous to even look at even today. @slowwalker

bro where r u from??

Thank you cryptopie

very nice photography.

Thanks for your post in the Bronze Shoes And Other Miscellaneous Relics Of King Muryeong In Baekje Kingdom, Korea i am so happy .

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @slowwalker

Follow my blog @powerupme

Thank you for good words

The jade also look like fishing hooks, as well as embros

incredible there are some kind of king and queen shoes, indeed you are a lover of history almost all the history of korea you post, and sharing culture in steemit, I salute with you, success for you @slowwalker


Thank you so much

those relics were really interesting and something from the past is always fascinating. that's very nice writing of you too, it is like i am in a museum also. 🤓

Thank you so much for your comment

They must be comfortable! ;-)

Very beautiful artifacts. The bending jades are intriguing. The detail on the golden artifacts is exquisite.

Great post and love pics too!! Thanks for sharing @slowwalker

Artistic bronze shoe, it maybe have a different between queen and king, thank you very much, you have introduce korea history and civilization to the world, success always for you brother @slowwalker

Thank you for your comment


On a modern look, this is a very unusual shoe for the king and queen!

The shoes are quite old and really looks historical. Someone part of it are chopped off yet, it has some kinda attraction on it and its obviously cos of the designs embedded on it.

Great photography.great work sir

Exactly ☺

Beautiful crafted shoe meant for royals. The shining edges are just perfect

bronze shoes are very beautiful..though the age is old but still looks beautiful, the queen and king shoes are very nice.sea Korea very useful.i so know the shoes of the king and queen of the past.your is a lover of history.sudah lot of history Korea that you share @ slowwalker, now I also know Korean history.i upvote your post.plees visit my blog @pengenkaya

I like the history, thank you also for your concern share your history may be successful always.

Very unique collections ... amazing...

Nice artifacts

This is so beautiful and classical. It resembles what Moghuls used to wear in the Indo-Pak subcontinent.

when and in what year does the king reign @slowwalker...

So, even though the small golden pieces were displayed, nobody knows the exact meaning and function of those items.

Was lost too....but they seem to be some precious stuffs

thank you for sharing photography about the history of korea, hope you are always healthy and successful always,please help me yes

Wow!! Royalty has been part of history a long time, and history is the base of every culture. This are lovely artifacts to witness a culture. Thanks for sharing such important collections

my history shoes i see its no difference left and right.

That's one amazing's worth the read

this relic is quite unique.

Amazing exhibits! It's the first time I've heard of some sort of bronze Shoe. It was hardly a comfortable life). Although, this is very similar to the ancient Slavic shoes - sandals. They were made of birch bark. Usually, it was considered a luxury among simple peasants, have their sandals. Most often such shoes were common, one pair for the whole family. Interesting post about the story, thank you, I was interested to look at these ancient relics. It's like a virtual Museum visit with a talented tour guide)

Those shoses were not for everyday life.
It seemed for the dead

Yeah for me as well.(Kings & Queen shoes)
While the work on the shoes does looks pretty amazing I must say.

The golden pieces does indeed looks great piece of artwork.

While in the last image they kind of looks like button of clothes I guess ;)

Thank you for comment
It looked like buttons in my guess too

i'm guessing the shoes were more for show than function like some that women wear today.

Amazing your photography sir,,,,,
This is a great work. so i follow you sir,,,,

my friend @slowwalker ..I am very impressed to see your post i feel amazed with the bronze shoes made by the ancestors of the kingdom of Korea they are very expert and have a cleverness and technology in making things for everyday life .. bronze shoes for the king and queen is proof that they are good at making crafts.

then I also see jade and gold pieces are very interesting and have a high artistic value and it is a great work for the ancient times they are good at making objects of gold and noble stones that is a greatness for a great nation such as Korea.

thank you so much mister @slowwalker you have made a very beautiful post and high historical value Hopefully you can continue to work by making a post that is amazing you may be successful always @slowwalker.

Thank you so much

very nice photography.

Queens shoes have the art of the nature, like the beauty and fragnance of. They may always made the king comfortable,just like the nature do to us. Great thinking. Wow...those guys were really amazing.

오래된 옛날인데도 불구하고 정교하게 만들어진 패턴의 신발이며 각종 금으로 만든 모양들 그리고 옥의 모양에 얽힌 사연들의 문화가 얼마나 그때 당시 발전이 되었는지 참 신기할 따름입니다.

손으로 만드는 기술을 예전이 나았던 것 같습니다

I thought it was a mysterious picture.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Amazing! ♥

Beautiful history :)

Amazing exhibits. I Liked and bronze shoes laced and miniature hats. Filigree. And jade is just unique. Thanks for the pictures.

오늘도 잘 읽고 갑니다.
사실 잘 모르는 부분이었데 알게되었습니다.
특히나 일부 장식품(?) 용도를 알 수없는게 아쉽네요 단순 장식품이 아니었을까 싶기도 합니다. 왠지 더러한 장식품도 일본에도 있지 않을까 싶기도 합니다. 찾아보고싶네요 감사합니다


Nice photos :)

I'm not too familiar with how antiques are cared for, but the conditions of the bronze shoes made me wonder why they're not properly cleaned? I see some oxydising going on. The shoes looked like they were not properly maintained by the museum.
I'm no expert though, so there might be something else going on there.

that's amazing! wish I could visit Korea <3 <3 <3

I just love @slowwalker long history 😍

your work is extraordinary dear ,thanks for sharing these beautiful history items,all are looking stunning especially caps and related items

It's like the movies I watch. Are you an antique enthusiast?

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