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RE: My thoughts on Soft Fork v0.22.2

Addressing Personal Issues and Focusing on Steem

Dan begins by acknowledging that he has been a bit distant lately, as he has been dealing with some personal family issues. However, he emphasizes that anytime he has free time, he wants to be able to contribute to the Steem community. He knows many people have been asking for his thoughts on the recent events surrounding Steem's SoftFork 22.2, as well as Justin Sun's recent message, which Dan views as very positive from a macro perspective.

The Pre-Mined Steem Stake and Centralization Concerns

Dan provides background on the pre-mined Steem stake held by Steemit Inc., Ned, and Dan himself from the early days of the platform. He explains that this pre-mined stake gave them significant influence over the Steem blockchain, as they could have potentially used their voting power to centralize the network.

However, Dan notes that Steemit Inc. had promised from the beginning that they would not vote this pre-mined stake, as that could have jeopardized Steem's status as a decentralized blockchain and potentially classified it as a security under U.S. law. He argues that the community had largely trusted Steemit Inc. to uphold this promise, given their U.S. presence and the legal risks they would face by going back on their word.

Justifying the SoftFork 22.2 Decision

Dan contends that the recent SoftFork 22.2, which froze the pre-mined Steem stake, was a necessary and justified measure to protect the Steem blockchain. He cites Steemit Inc.'s lack of communication, aggressive marketing, and potential plans for a token swap or other centralization efforts as reasons why the witnesses had to act to prevent the pre-mined stake from being used in a way that would undermine Steem's decentralization.

Dan argues that while account freezing may be an ideological concern for some, the greater priority should be upholding the social contracts and promises made by Steemit Inc. regarding the use of the pre-mined stake. He draws parallels to the Ethereum DAO hack, stating that this situation is akin to a "hack" that the witnesses had to address to protect the integrity of the Steem blockchain.

Trusting the Witnesses and Their Decision-Making

Dan expresses strong trust in the Steem witnesses, likening them to Marines who should be empowered to make decisions to protect the chain without needing constant input from the community. He argues that the witnesses, who are actively involved in the day-to-day operations of Steem, are better positioned to understand the nuances and make the necessary decisions, even if they may not be immediately popular.

Dan emphasizes that the witnesses should not slow down or hesitate in their actions to appease the community, as that could jeopardize the security of the Steem blockchain. He believes the witnesses have handled the situation appropriately and that their decision to implement the SoftFork 22.2 was justified and necessary to protect Steem's decentralization.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.