David vs Goliath - Splinterlands Live Battling #2

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago (edited)

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Hi Splinterpeeps... Welcome to the second video of this unpredictable series... lol... The point of this series is that I just turn on the screen sharing and click on the RANKED button inside the Splinterlands game... :) And, then we see what happens... :)

As it's only left one day to the end of the season, I have reached my maximum by getting into Diamond I league... I know that that is my maximum as I have usually a lot better-leveled card opponents in my daily battles... That was the case in this particular battle, also...

Anyways, I'm not a quitter and I have given all that I could to win in this battle... Did I succeed in that? To get an answer to that question, you will have to watch the video... :)

Check it out and if you have something to add, please do so... I like tips from others and ideas for future games...

You can watch the replay of this battle at here

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here



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I'm trying to reach diamond 2 it's so hard 😭

When I leveled up 1 summoner to lvl 6 (and of course additional cards in deck), than I was progressed to Diamond 1... my other summoners are still lvl 5, and it's hard to play with them...