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RE: ...

Thank you again. That was tough to watch.

I'm so grateful that the nurse is stepping out. It's painful, but she shows us what we're so longing for: Courage and kindness.

That hospitals are not a place of care has probably been guessed or felt by all those who have either been patients themselves or visiting relatives. The privatisation or commercialisation of hospitals is the death of all humanity.

Caring for the sick or dying needs dedication and time. Staying with the sick person, to talk to them, to show them that they are being seen.

I feel her powerlessness, I share her grief. The feeling of being so terribly alone with it is the most dreadful thing. The platitudes which a feeling, living person has to listen to, this dishonesty and superficiality is what can drive a person mad.

I pray for her that she will survive this, that she will pass through the deep valley of despair and that all of us who still have something human in us will do something about these conditions.

Sincere greetings to you.