The BLS is Lying - Unemployment at 24 Percent

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago (edited)

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Yes, I am making some simplifying assumptions about how many people are still in the labor force here, but I'm pretty confident that the people who were laid off in March and April still want to work.

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~~~ embed:14OuEsFfahQ youtube ~~~


This kind of bad reporting from the BLS is one of the main ingredients of malinvestment. People focus on the unprecedented levels of money printing, but that's just the most prominent aspect.

Thunderf00t has been trying to sell people on the idea that you "spend" $2 trillion now so that people can stay home to prevent a larger loss of GDP from folks just corking off. When he runs the numbers, it magically works.

But he also (conveniently) ignores the other $4 trillion of fed lending, which most certainly throws off his magical thinking.

Just watched that video. Yeah, his analysis leaves out a lot. If you really wanted to do that kind of analysis you'd also have discount the change in GDP caused by "closing" the economy.

And like we saw in 2008, I'm sure the Fed will be printing tons of money that we don't find about until years later.