Worker Drones - Post Rock Original Music

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Here's a little post rock style improvisation on my cigar box guitar. Later I added bass drums and a bit of additional ambient guitar tracks to round out the song. Video is just me taking a typical morning commute in downtown Chicago with a gopro clipped onto my backpack. As you can see I'm a bit of a speedwalker lol. Eventually I end up at the cloudgate bean sculpture in Millenium Park. Thanks for listening :-)

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Good Stuff!!
Thanks for Sharing!
(*Very Inspiring👍🏼)
Have a Great rest of the week!

Thanks for listening :-) i'm still surprised at the tones that can come out of my rickety cigar box guitar.

I like it. I am also deeply affected by the video, because I believe the world these worker drones live in is over, and their concerns, dreams, and ambitions are utterly irrelevant to the disaster looming over us today.


It always seems to be looming in the edges just out of sight...

No longer.

Yeah gonna be rough around the big cities, I got my year supply ready and some masks. Better safe than sorry.

Nice job. Good video.

Thanks for listening and watching :-)

nice video and music!!!

Thanks, now Chicago looks like a ghost town compared to when I took this video.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment