
All the talk about spiderlings and sling got me thinking of...
!gif spiderpig

using the gif bot is always risky...this was pretty close to what I wanted lol

ahaha Spiderpig spiderpig, but I think that is from family guy.

Awesome shots of a beautiful spider!

She was quite the pet to have over the winter, hopefully she'll hatch a bunch more out there this spring/summer so I can get another winter pet for next year.

Macro lenses and micro photos scared me

Especially when the subject matter likes leaping on the lens.

Cool, looks far more exotic than the spiders we get here (UK), but with global warming, who knows what we'll see in the future!

You have a tiny version of this spider over there called the zebra jumper (Salticus scenicus), they are about half the size of this one so very tiny to spot.

Cool, i'll keep an eye out!

Damn, you have a scary looking pet. She must scare all your girlfriends away. 😆

Funny thing is my wife was the one who found her first and told me to catch it as a pet lol.

Loved this update on the jumping spider. She's a cute little thing. :))

I'll be keeping an eye out for her, though I suspect she might have gone to the neighbor's balcony with more plants by now lol.

What a beauty!

Hopefully this fall I'll find one of her offspring to keep over the winter. I seem to find at least one per year on my window.

A very nice intersecting color has a jumping spider on its head ;))

I think they use those colors to differentiate themselves from normal prey just in case they see a potential mate.

As You said,
"Super Tame"!
Very Good Job!.

If you can manage to catch one then after a couple times handling them they basically become tame.

I believe You,
The little "Boxing Spiders" are the same!
Thanks and have a Wonderful Sunday!

I haven't seen a hobo spider in years, I think its too cold up here for them, but I remember catching a couple and they are pretty tame as well.

Thanks I didn't know the right name, and here they just call them Boxing Spiders. It may be too cold up north, I never saw them till I lived here.
But yeah, they second they know your not going to kill them, they get friendly!
And Cute! Over the years I have seen a few with "blue" claws!

What a cute little spider. Love their multiple eyes. Glad you saved her from the cold winter. 😊

I hope to see some of her baby spiderlings this fall.