Fascinating Insect: The Skipper Butterfly



While hunting for insect photos a few days ago, I found a skipper perched on a pandanus leaf. The skipper is dark brown in color with an orange blend.

At first, I thought it was a moth. After browsing the images on the internet, apparently, it was a skipper. The Skipper is in the family of the Hesperiidae and it looks more like a moth.

I took these pictures when I was in my hometown. There I can say is the 'paradise' of insects. Every day I went out hunting for insect pictures, I never came home empty-handed.

That experience made me yearn to visit my hometown again. I thought it would be great if every day I could find various types of unique and beautiful insects.


Dalam perburuan foto serangga beberapa hari yang lalu, saya menemukan seekor kupu-kupu nakhoda tengah hinggap di atas daun pandan. Kupu-kupu nakhoda itu berwarna coklat tua dengan perpaduan warna orange.

Pada awalnya, saya berpikir itu adalah seekor ngengat. Setelah menelusuri gambar di internet, rupanya itu adalah seekor kupu-kupu nakhoda. Kupu-kupu nakhoda adalah keluarga dari Hesperiidae, sekilas dia lebih mirip seekor ngengat.

Saya mengambil gambar-gambar tersebut ketika masih berada di kampung halaman. Di sana bisa dikatakan adalah 'surga' para serangga. Setiap hari pergi berburu gambar-gambar serangga, saya tidak pernah pulang dengan tangan kosong.

Pengalaman itu membuat saya rindu ingin mengunjungi lagi kampung halaman. Saya berpikir, sangat menyenangkan jika setiap harinya bisa menemukan berbagai jenis serangga-serangga unik dan cantik.




CameraXiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro
CategoryAnimal Photography
ProcessedAdobe Lightroom
Thank you for stopping by

It's strange to me, in Venezuela I've never seen them. Good shot. Kind regards.

Hola @belkisa758! What's up Venezuela? I pray that the economy there will get better. Yes, I think this is butterflies species that exist only in Asia. Of course, South America also has a type of butterfly or moth that is local there. Greetings of friendship from Indonesia. Cheers! :)

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!