Charming insect species in the universe.

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago

hi all my friends. do you know what is the right name for this insect?


I have asked some of my close friends. what is the right name for this insect. but! some of my friends say that this is a moth, and some say it's a fly.


I was confused by their answer. even in my mind I almost think (does this insect have two names at once? "moths and flies") like this would not be possible.


I am increasingly confused about this one insect. even due to my confusion, it made me search for his name on Google. Nearly thirty minutes I messed with the Google search engine.
but! still not finding the right results.


because there (on Google) also said the same thing as my friend said earlier. "moths and flies".
however, if I pay attention to this insect. it is almost similar to flies and moths. like her eyeballs that have something in common. even his body shape. almost the same as some types of flies and moths.


before I even took the picture. I had noticed this insect's behavior.
I see it perched on the body of livestock that is the body of a cow.


and like this insect is also one of the animals that suck blood. I saw this insect sting a cow very hard. even the insect's sting is very painful felt by a cow. until the sangking was shocked, the cow moved its tail to repel the insect which was biting its back buttocks.

if you know the right name for this insect let me know in the comments. because this is the benefit of sharing. maybe I don't know but you know it.

by @anwars

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Post to the communityFascinating insects

Most likely it's a Syrphid fly. They are little pollinators so are a good insect. Beautiful close up photo.

Most likely it's a Syrphid fly.

For sure it is!

@ultratrain , Thank you friend. your answer is very correct. I searched by the name you gave and it was right on target. this fly sucks nectar and also blood in a cow. thank you friend, i am happy with your answer

Looks like a type of hover fly.

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Thank you very much. this has become very valuable for my work.
