Carpenter bee Xylocopa Drvodělka

Velký je to jako sršeň, tlustý jak čmelák, ale je to včela samotářka. Včera jsem v dalejském údolí pozoroval dvě na velkém bodláku. Měli pořád hlavu strčenou hluboko na květu, takže ani nešli pořádně vyfotit. Když jedna vzlétla a udělala okruh, tak bzučela tak silně, že jsem couvl. Píše se, že jsou skoro neškodné, žihadlo má jen samice a použije ho jen v "krajní nouzy". Nevím co je krajní nouze u včely velké jak vyžraný sršeň 😀 Místo úlu vrtá chodby do dřeva a tak se jmenuje dřevodělka. Člověk se přírodě pokaždé něčemu přiučí.

It's as big as a hornet, as thick as a bumblebee, but it's a lone bee. Yesterday I watched two on a large thistle in the Dalej valley. They still had their heads stuck deep in the flower, so I couldn't even take a good picture. When one took off and made a circuit, it buzzed so loudly that I backed away. It is said that they are almost harmless, only the female has a sting and uses it only in "extreme emergency". I don't know what is the extreme emergency for a bee as big as a hornet. One always learns something about nature.

25.7.2021 Czech republic

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Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I don't see them often around here. They are absolutely beautiful!

Es un gran fotografia, abejorro chupando el polen.

The picture is perfect, but I'm afraid to take a picture of this insect using macros,because he is very dangerous if he feels himself disturbed.

Very beautiful creatures❣️ I was very surprised when I saw them for the first time - I remember very well when and where 😀 - it was in 2013 in Northern Italy.

Surprise is the right word to meet this bee 😀