Before the season ends

in Fascinating Insects2 years ago

Small beetles daisy 5.jpg

Rush to eat.
Rush to multiply.
You'd think humans live in constant rush, but no. Bugs do that too. And they have a lot less time to do it all. Before the season changes and before all the food is gone.

Small beetles daisy 3.jpg

I couldn't find ID for this beetle, so if someone knows what it is let me know. They do remind me Anthrenus verbasci with the same colours and body size. But they have much longer horns and seem less round.

And they were everywhere. This daisy here had the biggest number so I stalked them for a bit. I also saw them on different flowers. Always the same - eat and breed.

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Come at me bro!

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Almost looks like some circus acrobat :)

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On a different flower I got those two, little less entertaining (or entertained) ones.

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Small beetles daisy 11.jpg

And we are done here.
See ya!

Small beetles daisy 12.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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Their mustaches are beautiful :-)

Nice shoot,it really look nice,but after the season past what do they beetle eat?

I'd say they do not last until then. They just lay eggs and new generation is born next season.

Competition for food, as you say, they have time to do their things and they have to make the most of it. In the second photo it seems that they are dancing.

A pollen party :D

How are you dear friend @ewkaw good afternoon
It is incredible the number of insects perched on a single flower, it is evident that the pollen of this flower is very delicious.
This type of insect is not common in this part of the world, so I could not identify them
Beautiful shots, I appreciate you making us known
enjoy the weekend

Thank you!
There is plenty of them here. But as long as they stay away from me it all good :D

Bugs do that too

Good to know that it's not just humans living in a constant rush 😋

At least we can stop for a drink. Thy don't know what they are missing :D

Hahaha buzzy beetles for sure… all insects like you say.
Great captures @ewkaw 😎 I like the composition of the last photo a lot.
Have a great weekend 👋🏻☀️

Thank you. Glad you do :) They were very busy indeed.
Thanks! Have an awesome Sunday!

You are so welcome @ewkaw 👋🏻😁
Thanks a lot, enjoy yours! ☀️😊

that's very nice, they can land on very pretty flowers.

Yep, they can :p

Thank you very much

Wow, it's a really great catch, every picture looks very detailed. thank you for sharing.

Thank you :)

You're welcome

no time for a dating app for them ;) just go with the flow ...

Dating is so overrated!

Great pictures , I think those bugs have a party over the flowers hahaha , good job!

Amazing picture