Cinnabar moth

in Fascinating Insects3 years ago

I generally don't like moths. Not near me anyway. But this one really impressed me! I found it in the south of Portugal in the early summer when I was shooting other little buggers.

Tyria jacobaeae

Cinnabar moth 4.jpg

Tyria jacobaeae is commonly known as Cinnabar moth and it is native to Europe and Parts of Asia. We tend to think that moths are night insects but this one will fly and feed during the day.

The name comes from the cinnabar - a red coloured mineral. The wings, though mostly black have this bright red pattern on them. The colour also appears on the second set of wings. Quite stunning if you ask me! And definitely a clear message to predators that she is not edible.

The larvae feed on specific types of plants (groundsel and senecio) that contain toxic substance and become toxic and themselves. The larvae also have warning colours: orange and black.
Here is a full post with more caterpillar photos.


Each moth can lay up to 300 eggs in a single season (in few batches). The little hungry beasts will then destroy the plants they like and if there is not enough food, they may also start eating themselves. (fun, unrelated fact: tadpoles can be cannibalistic too).

I noticed the black winds sticking out from under some leaf. And so the fun begun. I was chasing it around and she just kept flying away. There was only one that I spotted, so she had to deal with the annoying human following her all over the place :)

Cinnabar moth 2.jpg

Cinnabar moth 3.jpg

I did manage to get some shots. I love how black the body is. Looks almost evil!

Cinnabar moth 1.jpg

Cinnabar moth 5.jpg

Cinnabar moth 6.jpg

Cinnabar moth 7.jpg

Cinnabar moth 8.jpg

Cinnabar moth 9.jpg

Cinnabar moth 10.jpg

Cinnabar moth 11.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

separator flowers.jpg


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 35 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Great photos.
Yes, the moth is beautiful, it's a pity that it is a pest.
She felt sorry for you, so she didn't fly away :-)

Haha maybe.. or she got tired :p

guao hermosa belleza de esa polilla

Good hunting! Luckily nature provides some warning about danger of poison! Birds should beware!

Thanks! There is one bird that doesn't care about it and will eat them anyway :p

Interesante especie. Realmente bella!