Damselfly was staring at me.

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago

Damselfly glinianki 5.jpg

There is a spot near the woods where I come from where many, many years ago some company was digging holes looking for clay. After the company closed they left those holes behind and throughout the years they were filling up with water, plants and fish.

Now it is a nice place to take a walk and spend the day with a rod. No swimming allowed since the place is very deep and the shore is steep.
And of course it is full of birds (which I didn't catch any that day) and bugs.

This little Damselfly was resting next to us on a leaf. She was very aware of me and would not let me get too close. I wish I had a zoom lens with me. It would have been so much easier!
But as soon as I tried to take another step forward, she would take off, fly a little around and sit on another leaf.

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Pretty thing! And while looking at some info about them I learned the difference between them and Dragonflies.
The are generally smaller with more slender bodies. And what I find the easiest to spot are the wings - they will hold them together closer to the bodies, while dragonflies have them open to the sides when resting.
(It kind of reminds me the difference between butterflies and months. Same wing rule :) )

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I saw a few Dragonflies flying around as well looking for their next meal.
Beautiful and very fast creatures!

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I was actually waiting for one to sit on that stick as I saw them doing it from time to time. But they were much faster than me and all was getting were stick shots.
So there you have one :)
Le Stick.

Damselfly glinianki 8.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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Excellent shot.

Thank you! :)

Great big eyes!! You could not escape from her! LoL

Nice creatur Dragonflies :-)


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 24 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Fajne stworzonko, skutecznie zajmuje się wrednymi komarzycami ;)

Bardzo fajne :) Szkoda, że nie ma ich więcej.

Hello @ewkaw!

Wonderful photos!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @nelinoeva from the DNA team!

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Thank you :)

Excellent images!... Beautiful!

Thank you! :)