Комаха #17 (Insecta #17)

7 червня 2020 року на вершині невеликого дерев'яного стовпчика була помічена ця комаха. Вона постійно перебігала з одного краю в інший. Та намагалася полетіти, але їй це не вдавалося.On June 7, 2020, this insect was spotted on top of a small wooden column. She was constantly running from one end to the other. She tried to fly, but she couldn't.


При більш детальному огляді комахи, я помітив, що лівий бік зазнав пошкодження невідомого мені пошкодження.Upon closer inspection of the insect, I noticed that the left side was damaged by an unknown damage.



При наступній спробі полетіти з стопчика, стало зрозуміло, що пошкоджено було нетільки панцир комахи, а й його крило.At the next attempt to fly from the stop, it became clear that not only the shell of the insect was damaged, but also its wing.


Canon EOS M10EF-M28mm f/3.5 MACRO IS STM



Thank you @gidlark, for using the CO2 Compensation Coin (COCO) to reduce your CO2 footprint.

Oops! There's a hole like in her half part. Does any Bird try to eat her? But she has a vibrant color shell which making her so fascinating insect.

The insect itself is quite small. I think this hole was not made by a bird. Although it is not worth ruling out such an opinion.


Yeah! I have seen a bird who was pecking a insect crawling on ground. Perhaps trying to pick up that insect in her peck. But if it so small the don't seem possible.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 10 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!