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RE: Little guide to avoid typical mistakes when determining insects and other arthropods.

What a beautiful and useful post!
I have always feared all kind of insects, until the quarantine. Then, I started taking long walks near my home and I discovered many fascinating insects which I photographed :) So, I have a tremendous admiration & respect towards them now.

May I ask if I could possibly ask you for help in identifying a couple of insects I have come across?

Thank you in advance :))


(I saved this little fellow yesterday, because my two cats were playing with him)


May I ask if I could possibly ask you for help in identifying a couple of insects I have come across?

Sure, if time allows! Just start posting here. :)
You know, most of the time it isn't difficult to determine the order or also family of an insect, but to find out the exact species (especially when only pictures are available) can be very time consuming, and sometimes it's even impossible.