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RE: Little Kobold, the little Biologist, the future successor of @jaki01 is busy with her own research in the garden 😄/ Der kleine Kobold, die kleine Biologin, der zukünftige Nachfolge von @jaki01 ist beschäftigt mit ihrer Recherche im Garten 😁.

Yes... Children being fond of dogs, rabbit or cats is not so uncommon but you are right, it is rather often the case that they tend to bully and even kill small creatures.
I think the mistake still lies on the parents here, because most people don't really pay attention nor have respect to small wild animals either.
They tend to think that it is not a big deal if their children kill small insects & co.
Our daughter has already learnt not to pluck flowers randomly, she only knows that the bees and co. needs them to eat and to make honey. So I think any children could learn the same thing if they had parents who care.


Yeah, I agree. It´s the parents´ responsibility to raise the kids so that they respect all wildlife and not just the cute ones :) No doubt your daughter has the best possible role models in that ;)