in Fascinating Insects3 years ago (edited)
Hello Hello! here again leaving an informative and scientific post to learn together! Today I went to a mountain range to photograph some insects and I found this beautiful lepidoptera, let's learn a little about it and other insects!😮🦗🐜🐝🦋

Hola hola! de nuevo por aqui dejando un post informativo y cientifico para aprender juntos! hoy fui a una sierra para fotografiar algunos insectos y me encontre este hermosa lepidoptera vamos aprender un poco sobre ella y otros insectos!😮😮👨‍🎓




The Order's name refers to the presence of scales on the wings (from the Greek lepis = scales, and pteron = wings). Popularly known as moths and butterflies, they are holometabolic insects (with complete metamorphosis), with membranous wings, body and appendages covered by scales. Adults are suckers and can feed on nectar, pollen, liquids from fermented fruits, excreta, vegetable resins. Some are hematophagous (feed on blood) and occur only in the old world. However, certain adults do not eat and consume reserves accumulated in the larval stage🤔👨‍🎓👨‍🏫
El nombre de la Orden se refiere a la presencia de escamas en las alas (del griego lepis = escamas y pteron = alas). Popularmente conocidas como polillas y mariposas, son insectos holometabólicos (con metamorfosis completa), con alas membranosas, cuerpo y apéndices cubiertos por escamas. Los adultos son chupadores y pueden alimentarse de néctar, polen, líquidos de frutas fermentadas, excrementos, resinas vegetales. Algunos son hematófagos (se alimentan de sangre) y ocurren solo en el mundo antiguo. Sin embargo, ciertos adultos no comen y consumen las reservas acumuladas en la etapa larvaria.🥽🥼



I am not an expert in butterflies but taking macros and photographing them is a new hobby, basically I am studying the most common lepidoptera in Portugal, this species (Papilio machaon)😮😮
No soy experto en mariposas pero realizar macros y fotografiarlas es un nuevo hobbie, basicamente estoy estudiando las lepidopteras mas comunes de Portugal, esta especie (Papilio machaon) 🐛🐌🦋



Butterflies are one of the most numerous species of arthropods, it is estimated that in the world there are about 500 thousand species of butterflies, only in Brazil there are about 26 thousand species. At present, new species continue to be discovered, in Brazil until 2019 there are already 60 thousand registered!😶😶
Las mariposas son una de las especies mas numerosas de los artropodos, se estima que en el mundo existen unas 500mil especies de mariposas, solo en Brazil existen unas 26mil especies. En la actualidad se continuan descubriendo especies nuevas, en Brazil hasta el 2019 ya van registradas unas 60mil!🤯💚🌎






Continuing my walk I got me this specimen, it was difficult to photograph but I managed to take some photos suitable to identify it, we are talking about the species (Lasiommata megera) it is a very common species in Portugal and we can find it in 29 European countries!🤔🤔
Continuando mi caminata me consegui este ejemplar vaya que fue dificil de fotografiar pero logre tomar algunas fotos aptas para identificarla, estamos hablando de la especie (Lasiommata megera) es una especie muy comun en Portugal y la podemos encontrar en 29 paises europes!😮😮




It prefers hot and dry slopes, exposed to the sun, rocky areas, edges and paths.The caterpillar feeds on grasses (Aegilops geniculata, Stipa pennata, Dactylis glomerata, Poa sp., Brachypodium sp.). There can be up to 3 generations per year👨‍🏫👩‍🏫
Prefiere pendientes cálidas y secas, expuestas al sol, zonas rocosas, bordes y caminos. La oruga se alimenta de pastos (Aegilops geniculata, Stipa pennata, Dactylis glomerata, Poa sp., Brachypodium sp.). Puede haber hasta 3 generaciones por año.🐝🦋🦋











Butterflies are great evolutionary machines, they can fly between 8 to 20km. Certainly the vision of butterflies is not the best in the world but it is one of the most special. They perceive colors and light patterns that the human eye is not capable of capturing, in addition to observing moving objects (also at high speed) perfectly and capturing polarized and ultraviolet light.😲😲
Las mariposas son grandes maquinas evolutivas, pueden volar entre 8 a 20km, Ciertamente la visión de las mariposas no es la mejor del mundo pero sí que es una de las más especiales. Perciben colores y patrones lumínicos que el ojo humano no es capaz de captar, además de que observan los objetos en movimiento (también a gran velocidad) a la perfección y captan la luz polarizada y ultravioleta.😮😮




Wuao as I was passing by this flower I saw this wasp, and I remembered my zoology class I, wasps are very different from bees in appearance and behavior! for example a wasp can be communal or it can be simply solitary, they can parasitize insects, and ... If you did not know, they can sting more than once!😶😶
Wuao mientras pasaba por esta flor vi esta avispa, y recorde mi clase de zoologia I, las avispas son muy diferentes de las abejas en aspecto y comportamiento! por ejemplo una avispa puede ser comunitaria o puede ser simplemente solitaria, pueden parasitar insectos, y.... Si no lo sabias pueden picar mas de una vez!🤔💥💯





Here we have a specimen of (Bombus terrestris) is a bumblebee! There are several subspecies of Bombus terrestris, each adapted to the climate and conditions of the region where it originated. In Portugal, moreover, there is a native species from this abelhão - Bombus terrestris lusitanicus - bought for use in cultures of two subspecies from other areas of Europe: o Bombus terrestris terrestris and o Bombus terrestris dalmatinus.💥💥
Aqui tenemos un ejemplar de (Bombus terrestris) es un abejorro! Existem várias subespécies de Bombus terrestris, cada uma adaptada ao clima e condições da região onde tiveram origem. Mas em Portugal, embora ocorra uma espécie nativa deste abelhão - Bombus terrestris lusitanicus - compram-se para usar em culturas duas subespécies de outras zonas de Europa: o Bombus terrestris terrestris e o Bombus terrestris dalmatinus.🐝🐝




Scientists will find a natural subspecies of abelhoes that are not native to the country, coming from commercial colmeias used in stoves, such as hybrids resulting from crosses with these insects. "It is a risk for the conservation of pollinating species in two ecosystems", warns😉😉
Cientistas encontraram na natureza subespécies de abelhões que não são nativas do país, provenientes de colmeias comerciais usadas em estufas, tal como híbridos resultantes de cruzamentos com estes insectos. “É um risco para a conservação das espécies polinizadoras e dos ecossistemas”, avisam😮⛔🛑




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The photographs are my property! (CANON EOS1100D)


Beautiful butterflies, good photography


Pretty butterfly

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Week 51 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!