Wasp Ndas Sucking The Crown Of Tridax Procumben

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago

Social Wasps or Living in Groups

The first fact wasp ndas is as one type of social wasps. Ndas wasps have a way of life in a society or live in groups similar to bees. This is what makes the wasp ndas have a phase of child care or maternal care.

Active Daytime

The second fact the wasp ndas is one that is active during the day. Ndas wasps are cold-blooded animals, so they need more heat or active temperatures during the day to increase metabolism in the body.

So, if the temperature is down, these animals will tend to be inactive. Therefore, for those of you who want to carry out a wasp transfer it is safer to do it in the evening or at night.

Large body size

The next wase ndas fact is having a large body. This animal is estimated to have a body size that can reach 3 cm.

Has Toxic Content

Another fact of ndas wasps that you need to be aware of is the type of wasp that is capable of introducing two types of poison into the human body. The poison can be a small dose of poison and a large dose of poison. If someone is stung by a wasp with a high dose of one or two wasps, it can cause hyperallergy.

Nest Size

Another naw wasp fact is that the size of the nest can reach 2 meters. 1 Ndas wasps are colonized animals. So, this wasp also has a nest as a place to live with his flock. Well, the size of the wasp's nest as the results of reports circulating from Solo, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, and Sragen, which can reach 2 meters.

Habitat is Everywhere

Another Ndas Wasp you need to know is that it is one type of larval predator that can be found in various places. Generally these animals can be found in all types of habitats, including forests, grass, even in mangrove areas, agricultural land and others.

This makes the naw wasp also function as a pest exterminator on agricultural land. So, even though this animal endangers humans,, it should not be eradicated. The reason is, these animals have ecological functions so that if eradicated it will worsen environmental conditions.

Removing Pheromones during the First Sting

Another trait possessed by the wasp ndas is aggressive if his position is being disturbed.

Social or paper wasps are equipped with a powerful sting and if disturbed will often use it on you more than once. The stings of these wasps are not barbed like those of the honey bee, so they can use them multiple times. In the UK we have two species of wasp that have demonstrated that they are the most aggressive - because they have attacked me hundreds of times in the course of my work. 2

Even this dangerous animal also has pheromones which serve as a warning of danger to other wasps. Well, the pheromones released by the ndas wasps in the first sting will trigger the arrival of other wasps to join the attack. The sting together is what is considered deadly to humans and can cause anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions.


1. Insects and Spiders of the World Source
2. What are the most aggressive wasps

All photos above were taken by @radiv


In your pictures aren't wasps but flies doing mimicry to imitate them!
Even if the pictures aren't really clear one can recognize the typical shape of head, eyes, short antennae and the mouthparts of flies.
You may also identify the halteres.
